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The Do’s and Don’ts of Submitting Digital Support Material to the Visual Arts Section

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Candidates submitting digital support material that does not correspond to the following guidelines may result in their application being considered incomplete, resulting in its withdrawal from the competition. Therefore, test your material before submitting to ensure that it has been formatted correctly. It is your responsibility to ensure that all material reaches the Canada Council intact and in a readable format.

  • Digital support material is viewed during the peer assessment committee using a projection system.
  • Excess support material will not be accepted or shown to the peer assessment committee.
  • Ensure that you submit the Detailed Description of Digital images (or slides) of your Application Form.
  • Submit slides OR digital images, not a combination of both formats.
  • Each CD-ROM or DVD must be clearly marked with your name.

The following software can help you when editing images: Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Microsoft® Photo Editor, Microsoft® Paint, CorelDRAW™, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™, JASC® Paint Shop Pro®

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  • Submit PC-compatible files only.
  • Submit .jpeg files only.
  • Submit a resolution of 72 dpi files only.
  • Submit a maximum of 1024 x 768 pixel files.
  • Submit files of 500K (0.5MB) maximum.
  • Submit RGB or SRGB colour mode files only (No CMYK)
  • Label each file (image) with a number and title.
    • The first nine images must begin with a zero (for example: 01title.jpg, 02title.jpg…15title.jpg) This will ensure that they are presented chronologically and follow your image list.
    • Do not put any special characters or symbols or quotation mark (#/-“&|…) in the file name.
  • If submitting a video file:
    • Submit a maximum of one video file no longer than 5 minutes.
    • Submit a file that can be accessed only with one of the following plug-ins: Quicktime, RealPlayer, Shockwave, Windows Media Player or Flash.
    • If you are submitting both images and a video, you must remove 5 images for every video submitted. 
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  • Don’t submit MAC files that are not fully PC compatible.
  • Don’t submit any type of presentation (For example, Powerpoint is not accepted).
  • Don’t submit “zipped”, “Stuffit” or other compressed files.
  • Don’t include hyperlinks to Internet sites with your images.
  • Don’t submit material that requires software, plug-ins, extensions or other executables to be downloaded or installed.
  • Don’t submit any files by e-mail.
  • Don’t submit any other component of your application electronically on your CD-ROM or on your DVD.