Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur gŽnŽral du Canadaa



Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean
Remarks on the Occasion of the CIDA Youth Forum

Ottawa, Monday, October 30, 2006

Good afternoon! It’s wonderful to see so many of you here today.

Thank you Mr. Greenhill, CIDA, and, in particular, the youth action unit, for receiving me so warmly at this youth forum on international development.

We are living in a world in which rapid advances in technology have brought many of us new and more effective means of communication and unprecedented opportunities for exchanges. These exciting developments have helped people bridge geographical, ethnic, religious, and social barriers. Today, a person living in Iqaluit can easily share files or even conclude financial transactions with someone else living in Accra, just in a matter of seconds. This is truly impressive!

Unfortunately, these new possibilities have yet to benefit everyone. Over 800 million people are still living on less than one dollar a day. Millions of children, particularly young girls, still face barriers to accessing a quality primary school education. And traditional beliefs continue to be used to justify rape, mutilation, torture, and even murder committed against women.

Equally worrisome, strains on our delicate ecosystems are increasing at a rapid rate. As we speak, pollution threatens to decimate thousands of vital organisms and to reduce the supply of one of our most precious resources: fresh water. A tragic portrait indeed!

However, in spite of poverty, injustice and environmental degradation, an increasing number of young people are voicing their concerns and taking real action to make sustainable changes.

This is especially true here in Canada where, from coast to coast to coast, in large urban centres as in rural communities and on reserves, in schools, youth centres and co‑operatives, you, the next generation, are finding new ways to express your desire to come together in a spirit of planet‑wide solidarity to make the world a better place to live.

In Canada, we have a keen sense of belonging to the global community because our country contains the world.

Canadians everywhere recognize that the future of our planet depends on our putting aside excess, the notion of every man for himself and the rampant individualism.

So many of us understand the urgent need to strengthen the bonds between us and uphold the more human values we all share.

I am pleased that the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, requested that I, as governor general, represent Canada on State and official visits to five countries in Africa. There, I will have an opportunity to convey Canada’s commitment to continue supporting African countries in their efforts to promote sustainable development and highlight the ways in which Canadians are collaborating with Africans to bring about meaningful change.

In anticipation of my visit to Africa, I am so excited to be here today. I want to hear about the things you are doing to address international development. I want to learn about your experience working overseas. And I also want to hear your ideas on ways we can all collaborate to get more youth involved in this important global effort.

Thank you again for inviting me. And now, the floor is yours.

Created: 2006-10-30
Updated: 2006-11-07
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