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Postal Standards

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3. Enclosures

Table of Contents

3.1  Requirements  

3.1.1  Securely enclosed  

Securely insert or attach any enclosures included in an unwrapped publication.

Enclosure Test

To determine if an enclosure is securely inserted into a publication:

Pinch the middle of the publication's spine with the thumb and index finger of the same hand.
Shake the publication horizontally; a securely-attached insert will not fall out.

3.1.2  Slippage  

Wrap enclosures so that the item does not slip more than:

20 mm in length and width; or
40 mm in length and 10 mm in width (for Presort width can be up to 40 mm).

There is a surcharge for any clear-wrapped Publications Mail item where the overhang of the wrapper exceeds the item by 40 mm in either direction.

3.1.3  Ease of Handling  

Ensure that enclosures do not reduce the ease of handling of a publication. For example, do not include bulky or large enclosures that would make it difficult to stack the publication or to fit it into a mailbox.

3.2  Unacceptable Items  

Unacceptable in Publications Mail

See the Publications Mail Customer Guide for a list of those items that are not allowed as an enclosure in a Publications Mail item.

Unacceptable Items

Unacceptable Items may expose postal employees to danger or may soil or damage other mail or postal equipment.

In particular, items shall not:

Cause injury to those handling the mail;
Cause damage to postal equipment or other mail; or
Cause entrapment of other mail.

For more information, see the Postal Guide or on the Canada Post website,, click either “Go to Personal” or “Go To Business”, then click “On-line Tools” and “Postal Guide”.

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