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Postal Standards

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2. Requirements

Table of Contents

2.1  Addressing  

Address Format

Align all the address lines with a uniform left margin.
Place the municipality, province and postal code on the last line.
If there is not sufficient space, place the postal code on the last line by itself and align it with the rest of the address.

Address Location

Show the destination address anywhere in the space below the top 40 mm on the front of the item (the side without the closing flap).

Delivery Mode Code (DMC)

You must include the current DMC in the address to qualify for the Letter Carrier Presort (LCP) option. The DMC should be:

Not less that 2 mm in height.
On a line without delivery address information (e.g. the line containing the name of the destination company).
Placed three to four blank characters to the right of the longest non-addressing line.

Example of a delivery mode code: H 12 (M)


Position the address to be either parallel or perpendicular to the longest edge of the mail item.


Use any font that:

Is easily read
Has a minimum height of 2 mm.

Clear Area

Keep the area 3 mm in all directions around the address block clear of all printing and marking.


Place or affix an enclosure with the destination address so that this address is clearly visible through the window no matter how the item is held or the enclosure moves within the envelope.

Two or More Windows

Ensure the destination address window is easy to identify.

Open Items

Place the address on open items, such as open catalogues and booklet-type items, so that a person can read it while holding the spine or final fold of the item.

Address Labels

Use labels that are a light colour, such as white, pale yellow, or beige.

Transparent Wrappings

Show the address on one of the following:

the item itself, if there is a white opaque background of 3 mm around the address
a label on the outside of the wrapper
an insert or a card within the item
an address label that is large enough for postal endorsements, if the wrapper does not have a 20 mm wide opaque band.

An example of a postal endorsement is “No Such Address” written by the letter carrier on the label.

2.2  Transparent Wrappings  

Plastic Bags

Use a bag that is at least 0.05 mm (2 mil) thick polyethelene or equivalent.
Minimize any overlap of the wrapping.
Ensure an overlap of the covering does not block the address or delivery instructions.

Plastic Film

Use heat-shrinkable plastic film that is at least 0.02 mm (3/4 mil) thick.

Opaque Band

If the plastic material cannot be written upon, then it must have a 20 mm wide opaque band on its front.


Enclose catalogues or other items in fully-sealed transparent plastic bags or wrappers that:

meet the above requirements
are pulled tightly to prevent excessive movement of the contents
do not exceed the length or height of the contents by more than 40 mm.

2.3  Indicia  


Ensure the Addressed Admail indicia is on the same side as the address.

Clear Area

Keep the area for the indicia clear of all other printing and markings.

2.4  Sealing  


Seal all Addressed Admail envelopes and transparent wrappings.


Spot seal self-mailers on their longest edge unless the pages are securely bound together.

If the top layer of a self-mailer placed flat lifts anywhere more than 20 mm from the preceding page or layer, seal it or add a closing tab.
Single-page self-mailers may be left unsealed.


Items without a mailing wrapper (i.e. catalogues, booklets) may be sent unsealed.

2.5  Open Windows  

Letter Carrier Presort (LCP)

LCP mail may contain open windows (i.e. windows without a covering).

2.6  Advertising and Graphics  

Available Area

The whole item is available for customer printing except for:

The address block including the address and 3 mm around it (1).
An area 74 by 40 mm in the upper right corner for the indicia (2).


2.7  Catalogue Mail  


Do not include samples in Catalogue Mail.

Catalogue Inserts

Only include inserts that are securely bound to a Catalogue Mail item.

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