Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean
Speech on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards

Rideau Hall, Friday, November 3, 2006

I have always believed that the arts and artists themselves should be given a vital place within any community. Vital, because the arts provide a unique outlet for the hopes, fears and desires of so many.

Vital, because the arts are the realization of years of study and passionate work.

Vital, because the arts and artists expand our horizons and yes, at times, because they make us question what we have long held to be true. Thank goodness for that.

Vital, because they remind us, discretely, that beauty will always triumph over pain, foolishness, and barbarism.

“If the world were clear,” wrote Albert Camus, “art would not exist.” What is perhaps most extraordinary about the arts is the way in which they inspire us to reconnect with that secret place within each of us.

Creating and appreciating art helps us to shed light on what may at first glance seem incomprehensible and, conversely, to shroud in mystery something seemingly obvious.

It is through art that we come closest to understanding how precious, unpredictable and unique life really is.

The arts lead to both contemplation and celebration. They push us to move beyond our day-to-day lives and become part of something more universal.

The resonance of a spoken word, a new and exciting point of view, an inspired movement, a piece of music that echoes in your soul, a willingness to share, a gift of self, an unquenchable thirst for the undiscovered—these are but a taste of what creativity has to offer.

It certainly bears repeating: a society that does not encourage artists to thrive, or that has no interest in facilitating the dialogue between its artists and the broader community, is doomed to boredom and ultimately, to ruin.

Let us pay tribute to artists, who keep us from reducing societies to mere facts and figures.

And let us acknowledge that the arts reach out like an affirmation of human genius and that it is our duty to ensure that they remain accessible and able to thrive, for they are so essential to our lives.

In these uncertain times, when barbarism in all its forms threatens our way of life, the arts may be our best defence, the most effective bridge, and the surest road to peace and harmony.

For indeed, artistic expression brings us together. It speaks with a voice that echoes our diversity, in a surge of languages, rhythms and colours, and our very human desire to find meaning in each of our adventures.

During the first year of my mandate as governor general, I travelled to every corner of this country. Everywhere I went, I met with artists from every discipline, every background, every age group.

I have seen and felt the energy of Canada’s cultural scene, and I can assure you that it is as vibrant and palpable as ever.

You, the artists we are honouring this evening, are wonderful proof of that.

For me and for so many others, life would lose all meaning without you to push us, to question us, to lift us up toward beauty.

To Jacques Languirand who, in over half a century on the airwaves, became an unparalleled man of words, thank you.

To Lorne Michaels, who helped take comedy to a whole new level, thank you.

To Albert Millaire, whose voice has set the standard for excellence to the great fortune of the theatre, thank you.

To Robbie Robertson, whose musical brilliance fills our hearts, thank you.

To Joysanne Sidimus, who has helped thousands of dancers make the transition after their professional careers, thank you.

To Mark Starowicz, who has long believed that our history is worth knowing, thank you.

To Georges and Sherif Laoun, for their tireless support of the visual and performing arts, thank you.

To Richard Bradshaw, who has done remarkable work to promote the opera and some of Canada’s greatest voices, thank you.

I applaud you, this year’s winners of the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards, and extend to you not only our pride, but also our gratitude for that extra measure of harmony that you bring to our lives.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Created: 2006-11-03
Updated: 2006-11-07
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