Tenth Biennial Report
on Great Lakes Water Quality

Media Release

Open Letter from the Commission
to Great Lakes Leaders and the Great Lakes Community

The Report (html version)

Chapter 1 Introduction ( 4 k)
Chapter 2 RAPs and LAMPs ( 22 k)
Chapter 3 Persistent Toxic Substances (52 k)
Chapter 4 Land Use ( 12 k)
Chapter 5 Coast Guard Annexes ( 17 k)
Chapter 6 Information and Data Management ( 21 k)
Chapter 7 Indicators and SOLEC ( 6 k)
Chapter 8 Other Issues ( 6 k)
Appendix A 1997-1999 Public Consultation Activities, Workshops and Reports Issued with Respect to Great Lakes Water Quality ( 29k)
Appendix B Studies on Findings in Human Populations ( 10 k)
Appendix C Bibliography ( 22 k)
Conclusion Conclusion ( 19 k)

The Report (pdf version)

Full pdf version (3,819 k)

Open Letter to Great Lakes Leaders and the Great Lakes Community (197k)
Chapter 1 Introduction (331k)
Chapter 2 RAPS and LAMPS (493k)
Chapter 3 Persistent Toxic Substances (2 parts)
Part 1 (640k)
Part 2 (371k)
Chapter 4 Land Use (494k)
Chapter 5 Coast Guard Annexes (520k)
Chapter 6 Information and Data Management (511k)
Chapter 7 Indicators and SOLEC (499k)
Chapter 8 Other Issues (382k)
Appendix A 1997-1999 Public Consultation Activities, Workshops and reports Issued with Respect to Great lakes Water Quality (331k)
Appendix B Studies on Findings in Human Populations (60k)
Appendix C Bibliography (44k)
Conclusion Conclusion (281k)

Media Release (wpd version)