Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa

Governor General


State Visit to Germany, October 22-28, 2001

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With the famous Brandenburg Gate as a backdrop, Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, shows off his city to Governor General Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul. (2001-10-24)The central theme of Governor General Adrienne Clarkson's State Visit to Germany from October 22-28, was Complex societies, cutting-edge culture. 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and Germany, a bilateral relationship that has focused on trade and investment; science and technology research; and defence and international security issues, as well as work in multilateral organizations such as G-8 and NATO.

This visit also offered the opportunity to explore other areas of shared interest - comparing notes on the workings of each country's very complex society and showcasing the cutting-edge culture that resulted from this complexity.

The Governor General was accompanied by a delegation that painted a portrait of contemporary Canadian society – a distinguished group of visual, performing and literary artists, business and environmental leaders, and thinkers, scholars and writers who explore Canada's sociological, cultural and constitutional complexities.

The delegation took part in visits and discussions with German counterparts on topics such as:

  • literature as a reflection of a society's values;
  • dramatic arts as a force for social change;
  • Kyoto on the Road to Johannesburg , discussions on climate change, energy, and energy efficiency;
  • artistic creativity and the impact of new technologies; and
  • wine production and marketing in Canada and Germany.

The State Visit to Germany was the first full State Visit by a Governor General to Germany since 1983, although official visits took place in 1985, 1987 and 1991. The last State Visit from Germany to Canada was in 1990, when His Excellency Dr. von Weizsäcker, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, visited this country.

Created: 2005-10-18
Updated: 2005-12-06
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