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August 30, 2006

Canada Post announces the 2006 Literacy Awards winners

Ottawa - Canada Post today announced the winners of the 2006 Canada Post Literacy Awards Program. Some 24 individuals and groups are honoured from coast-to-coast-to-coast for their unmatched commitment and dedication to literacy. Winners of the 14th annual Canada Post Literacy Awards will be recognized during celebrations this fall.

"I'd like to congratulate the Individual Achievement Award winners in reaching their literacy goals – a significant achievement that will allow them greater control over their destiny," said Bob Waite, senior vice-president, Communications, "and congratulations to the educators, community and business leaders for their devotion and passion, and in believing that literacy is a basic human right."

Ask any Individual Achievement winner: "Is life better now that you can read and write?" and you would get a resounding "YES!" Judy Holland of Manitoba would emphatically agree. She can now partake in workshops regarding health issues. Cheryl Hoyte of Quebec would tell you about the enjoyment she receives from being able to follow a dinner recipe. Ontario's Clarence Brazier, at the age of 93, undertook the road to literacy and just celebrating his centenary on August 28th, is the "poster boy" for literacy. He speaks to both young and old, spreading the word about his journey to literacy. Belinda Jacob of the Northwest Territories hopes to one day own her own business, and Douglas Oakley of Nova Scotia can now read road signs, and hopes to become a tutor himself.

Their dreams would not have come true had it not been for the help of committed educators, who spent countless hours in the classroom educating, training literacy tutors, writing books, creating award-winning CD-ROMS or even starting their own learning centers. In the Community Leadership category, Canada Post is proud to recognize centres like P.A.L.S. (in Alberta) and COMSEP (in Quebec), who offer unique teaching methods and focus on individual needs.

In the category of Business Leadership, the winner is Cavendish Farms Learning Centre from Summerside (PEI). Cavendish Farms offers flexible training schedules to its employees to coexist with shift work, and targeted courses to accommodate each learner's needs. In addition to developing skills, the Learning Centre develops positive employee attitudes and behaviours such as self-confidence and mutual respect. Cavendish Farms Learning Centre will receive their 2006 Canada Post Literacy Award at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce taking place on September 18th in Saskatoon (Saskatchewan).

Individual Achievement and Educator award winners each receive a laptop computer, and Community Leadership winners are awarded a $2,000 cash prize. A full list of Literacy Award winners, along with brief profiles, can be found at

For further information, or to arrange an interview with a Literacy Award winner in your area, media should contact the Canada Post Communications office nearest them.

Halifax: 902 494-4074
Ottawa: 613 734-2811
London: 519 457-5282
Edmonton: 780 944-3137
Calgary: 403-974-2191
Montréal: 514 345-4572
Toronto: 905 214-9391
Vancouver: 604 662-1388
Regina: 306-761-6306

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