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  Northern Services
- Who is it for?

The North is being transformed, faster and more dramatically than almost anyone in the South realizes. We at Northern Services have played a pivotal role in that transformation.

For example; almost a decade ago, we pioneered partnerships between Canada Post and Aboriginal bands, forging what have since become 158 partner-operated post offices.

Today, in post offices across the north, you will be served, if you prefer, in your indigenous language, and most often (70% of the time) by Aboriginal employees. And more than that. In the North today, it's commonplace to find wholly aboriginal-owned airlines and goods wholesalers, building contractors and service networks. These weren't so commonplace ten years ago. Northern Services has contributed by promoting indigenous ownership and partnerships, by providing training in some of the skills and practices necessary to running a successful business.

The year of Northern Services 10th anniversary (1999) saw the birth of Canada's newest territory, Nunavut. Northern Services congratulates Nunavut and its citizens. We celebrate side by side, two buoyant sources of pride, two hopeful signs of the vibrant new growth of the North and its burgeoning prospects.

Northern Services heralds such great beginnings by anticipating the next ten years, and the prospects they will bring. For example, after an impressive pilot project in Nain, Labrador, Northern Services is introducing banking services into several northern communities. And in the future with the assistance of Northern Services, virtually every community in the North will be connected in a new way, by e-mail. More great beginnings.

We will continue to improve and expand services:

  • By responding to the particular needs of Northern communities
  • By making it easier to use the mail service
  • By closely monitoring and testing the movement of mail
  • By reducing General Delivery
  • By improving Postal Box services where possible
  • By establishing additional retail outlets responding to growth
  • By developing and promoting new electronic products and services
  • By expanding services through partnered financial, government and commercial enterprises (remove institutions)
  • By providing enhanced technical advances in equipment utilized in our offices

| Introduction | What is it? | Who is it for? |
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