Your Responsibilities

In return for the many benefits and services available to you as an injured worker covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance, you have certain responsibilities that you must meet.

You are responsible to:

  • Notify your employer of any injury or illness as soon as possible.
  • File a WCB Accident Report within 12 months of your injury. In the case of illness, this time limit does not apply.
  • Send all required information to us.
  • Provide complete and accurate information to us.
  • Take steps to minimize the physical, mental and financial impact of your injury or illness.
  • Seek health-care services or treatment to promote recovery. Please discuss health-care services and treatments with your case worker prior to accessing them-some require approval in advance.
  • Undergo any medical examinations that may be requested by your employer, us, or the Worker's Compensation Appeals Tribunal.
  • Notify us immediately of any change in your health or earnings that may affect your claim.


Updated: 1/July/2006