Links to Related Topics

Back pain links:

Canada Revenue Agency
Nova Scotia Business Registry
Canadian Abilities Foundation: Enablelink
Linking people with disabilities to a world of resources.
Department of Environment and Labour
Department of Justice
Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC)
Medical Society of Nova Scotia (in partnership with Sport Nova Scotia)
Providing health and wellness information, and health alerts for all Nova Scotians
This web site provides information about obtaining benefits from a broad range of programs available across Canada.
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
The College of Family Physicians of Canada is a national voluntary organization of family physicians that makes continuing medical education of its members mandatory. The College strives to improve the health of Canadians by promoting high standards of medical education and care in family practice, by contributing to public understanding of healthful living, by supporting ready access to family physician services, and by encouraging research and disseminating knowledge about family medicine.
Chronic Pain
Disability Weblinks

Disability Weblinks is a comprehensive listing of businesses and associations (web sites) providing benefits and services for persons with disabilities.

Government of Nova Scotia website
MEDLINEplus: MEDLINEplus Health News

National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR)

Nova Scotia Business Inc.
Repetitive Strain Injuries


Workink is a virtual employment resource centre with the mission to facilitate communication and provide resources and information to enhance the equitable and meaningful employment of people with disabilities.
The Canadian Paraplegic Association (Nova Scotia) website is the Searchable Accessibility Index. Information inputted on this database comes from our accessibility checklist, which directly relates to the barrier free section of the Nova Scotia Building Code. It is good resource for those with disabilities traveling within our province, wanting to know what is or not accessible. Stories that concern the disability community are written frequently and posted on the site. You can do a search on any related disability topic. This can be done by easily going to the bottom right hand side of the home page and put in the key word into the search engine. A person can also search by topic. Finally at the very top of the page are items of interest like swap and shop, where health and disability equipment is bought and sold.