Canada Post - Frequently Asked Questions about Unaddressed Admail
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Frequently Asked Questions

For Frequently Asked Questions on Express Order Entry for Unaddressed Admail, click here.

For Frequently Asked Questions on changes affecting Unaddressed Admail May 16, 2005, click here.


  1. Why should I use your service and not a competing delivery network?
  2. Who is using the service now?
  3. Do people respond to flyers delivered to them or do they consider it to be junk?
  4. What rate of return should I expect if I use Unaddressed Admail?
  5. Do you have testimonials or case studies?
  6. How do I get help determining which neighbourhoods I should target?
  7. Why do you not accept bigger items?
  8. Can I only send advertisements and promotional messages with this service?
  9. Do you guarantee delivery?
  10. Can I mail outside of Canada?


  11. Why did Canada Post making EST mandatory for Customers to access their Unaddressed Admail contract prices?
  12. What prices will Customers access if they continue to submit their Orders (SOMs) manually?
  13. What is "fully featured" EST?
  14. What is the fully featured EST automation incentive?
  15. What process am I, as a customer, to follow when using the vinyl label holders for bags?
  16. How do I order the bag label holder?


  17. What is Track a Mailing (TaM)? What are the benefits?
  18. How does a Customer get access to TaM?
  19. How much does Track a Mailing cost?


  1. Why should I use your service and not a competing delivery network?

    There are many reasons. For instance, we are the only national distribution network with access to homes, apartment buildings and businesses - coast-to-coast. And with Unaddressed Admail, your Item is delivered with the rest of the mail; it is not hidden in the advertising clutter of a co-op bag or delivered as one of many inserts in a newspaper. Visit Unaddressed Admail Benefits for a fuller discussion of the advantages of our service.


  2. Who is using the service now?

    Unaddressed Admail is an integral part of the media mix for businesses spanning all industry segments and other organizations - such as charities and government. Because the size of a mailing can range from as small as one postal walk (or even a portion of a postal walk) to full national delivery, the service has appeal to businesses and organizations of all size.


  3. Do people respond to flyers delivered to them or do they consider them to be junk?

    While it is true that some people are less responsive to advertising than others, this lack of response is often the result of receiving advertising material of no interest. This is why it is critical to the success of your campaign that you target your audience properly. Reduce cost and increase response by sending your message to those neighbourhoods most likely to be interested in your product or service. Our GeoPost™ Plus targeting tool can help you do this.


  4. What rate of return should I expect if I use Unaddressed Admail?

    There are never any guarantees on response rates. Response rates are based on many factors - such as the nature of your appeal, proper targeting, campaign timing, etc. Unaddressed Admail can help you increase response rates by targeting the delivery of your message to those most likely to respond.


  5. Do you have testimonials or case studies?

    Yes we do. Visit Case Studies to discover how Canadian businesses have tested the service against alternate media and learned first-hand the power of Unaddressed Admail.


  6. How do I get help determining which neighbourhoods I should target?

    Visit Tools and How To's to access information on delivery areas available to you.


  7. Why do you not accept bigger items?

    Size specifications have been developed by balancing the needs of the marketplace with our ability to promptly and efficiently handle and deliver the product to our customers' satisfaction. Larger or thicker items can be accommodated using other services like Addressed Admail or Dimensional Addressed Admail.


  8. Can I only send advertisements and promotional messages with this service?

    While most customers use the service to send promotional material, you can send other forms of printed matter - such as notices and newspapers or samples using Unaddressed Admail.


  9. Do you guarantee delivery?

    Canada Post manages daily mail volumes to meet delivery standards for all of our products and services. Please visit our Courier Services to learn more about the suite of Canada Post services that offer delivery guarantees.


  10. Can I mail outside of Canada?

    Unaddressed Admail is available only to customers who deposit their mail in Canada, for delivery in Canada.



  11. Why did Canada Post making EST mandatory for Customers to access their Unaddressed Admail contract prices?

    Canada Post made Electronic Shipping Tools (SOM Only) mandatory to access Unaddressed Admail contract prices to reduce the cost of processing manual Orders, as well as to be consistent with all other Communications Business services.


  12. What prices will Customers access if they continue to submit their Orders (SOMs) manually?

    Customers who submit their Orders using a hard copy Statement of Mailing will be charged “Non-contract” prices and may be subject to paying the $5.00 manual Order processing fee. Volumes submitted using a manual Order (Statement of Mailing) will NOT be applied toward the Customers annual volume commitment.


  13. What is "fully featured" EST?

    “Fully featured” refers to the EST prepared Unaddressed Admail Orders that contain barcodes on labels, tags, forms - all of which allow us to capture scanning information via Track a Mailing. Customers (Contract and Non-contract) will receive an additional 2% automation incentive for using the fully featured version of EST for Unaddressed Admail mailings. The Statement of Mailing, Packing Slip and Mailing Summary will be combined and printed as one form.


  14. What is the fully featured EST automation incentive?

    Customers (Contract and Non-contract) will receive an additional 2% automation incentive for using the fully featured version of EST for Unaddressed Admail mailings.


  15. What process am I, as a customer, to follow when using the vinyl label holders for bags?

    The holders are intended to be used with mailbags containing Publications Mail, Catalogue Mail, Unaddresssed Admail and Addressed Admail (only when bags are used).

    The mailer is given the nylon tie straps and the vinyl label holders for use on the mailbags only. These can be ordered at no charge from Postal Stores as per the normal ordering process.

    Step 1 - the mailer affixes the bag label holder to a grommet of the mailbag at the opposite corner of the bag to the metal keeper holder with the nylon tie strap.

    Step 2 - the mailer completes and prints the bag label according to specifications (no keeper label is required).

    Step 3 - the mailer inserts the bag label into the bag label holder ensuring the delivery information is visible.

    At the destination, the bag label is removed from the vinyl label holder allowing the holder on the bag to be re-used.


  16. How do I order the bag label holder?

    Mailers can order the bag label holder by using the current process for ordering Unaddressed Admail tags. The bag label holders are available free of charge, through the Canada Post - Postal Stores, as per the normal order process, as follows:

    bag label holders, catalogue #SO-54
    nylon tie straps, catalogue #200-12-080



  17. What is Track a Mailing (TaM)? What are the benefits?

    Track a Mailing is offered through the Online Business Centre. This tool uses state of the art barcode technology to provide Customers with information on the actual deposit date of the mailing and all associated container destination arrival dates. Some of the benefits of using TaM are:

    Increased Visibility
    • Scans can be captured at induction and at the container destination.

    • This information has never been available to Customers before the introduction of Track a Mailing.
    Increased Convenience
    • Track a Mailing will provide convenient, up-to-date, self-service information to the Customer, via Canada Post’s Online Business Centre Web site.
    Better Quality of Information
    • By providing Customers with useful mailing information, Customers can monitor the progress of their mailing and help them plan and schedule activities that support their advertising campaign (e.g. time the staffing of Call Centres).
    Improved Service
    • Track a Mailing will provide reports to the Canada Post staff for potential service issues so they can be resolved before they impact our Customer’s business cycles.
    Greater Collaboration
    • Track a Mailing will help to share information with our Customers about our supply Chain business processes. This will help us to work together to identify areas for mutual continuous improvement.


  18. How does a Customer get access to TaM?

    Customers access Track a Mailing through the Online Business Centre. Register for a User ID and password online at


  19. How much does Track a Mailing cost?

    Track a Mailing is free to Canada Post Commercial Customers.


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