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Grant Programs

Grants Calendar
How To Apply
Who received a grant?
Aboriginal Arts Secretariat
Audience and Market Development
Grant Policies
A Guide to Determining Eligibility in the Canada Council Inter-Arts Program
Inter-Arts Program: Creation/Production Grants (for Individuals and Organizations) and Annual and Multi-year Grants to Organizations
Inter-Arts Program: Dissemination Grants (for Individuals and Organizations)
Multidisciplinary Festivals Project Grants
Summary of Changes Inter-Arts Office: September 2002
The next application deadline for this program will be 1 May 2006. Updated program guidelines and form will be available in February 2006.
This program is under review. A new application form and guidelines will be posted on the web in mid April 2006. From that date, all applicants must use the new form and guidelines.
Travel Grants to Inter-Arts Professionals
Media Arts
Visual Arts
Writing & Publishing
Additional Information for Application Deadlines
Application forms for supplementary operating funds
Artists and Community Collaboration Fund (ACCF)
Frequently asked questions - new funds
Final Report forms
Flying Squad Guide - Sample Contract
Guide for anglophone artists and arts organizations in Quebec
Guide for francophone artists and arts organizations in minority situations in Canada
Guide to using the Flying Squad Program
New funds
Allocation of new funds
The Do’s and Don’ts of Submitting Digital Support Material to the Visual Arts Section
The Flying Squad
Visiting Foreign Artists Program (pilot program)