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Script Submissions and Auditions

Script Submissions
Unfortunately, the NAC English Theatre does not currently have the resources to read unsolicited scripts. We accept full-length plays submitted by literary agents or through professional recommendations. We only accept TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) plays submitted by other producing companies. TYA submissions should be sent to the attention of Kate Hurman. Regular submissions should be sent to the attention of Lise Ann Johnson. Our address is NAC English Theatre, PO Box 1534, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5W1.

General Auditions are held approximately once a year and are only open to residents of the National Capital Region. The NAC English Theatre only auditions actors living outside the National Capital Region for specific productions if and when required. Priority is given to members of Canadian Actors Equity Association. Photos and resumes can be sent year round to: NAC English Theatre, PO Box 1534, Station B, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5W1.

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