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29-year old Toronto choreographer and dancer Matjash Mrozewski was commissioned by the NAC to develop Break Open Play for the inaugural season of the NAC-CGI Youth Commission for Dance, a partnership with the Canada Council for the Arts.

It's true. Future dancers and choreographers in Toronto and across the country are inspired, encouraged and supported by the National Arts Centre. As Canada's leading presenter and co-producer of dance, the NAC has a longstanding commitment to youth and educational activities, as well as to commissioning and staging the nation's finest talent.

NAC-CGI Youth Commission for Dance, a partnership with the Canada Council for the Arts

As Canada's leading dance producer/presenter, the National Arts Centre places a high value on fostering a relationship between teenagers and contemporary dance. Engaging young people in this art form will not only help develop informed dance audiences for the future, it may also encourage young people to consider a career in the performing arts.

The NAC-CGI Youth Commission for Dance, a partnership with the Canada Council for the Arts, is an initiative aimed specifically at Canadian youth. The goals are to widen the existing Canadian dance repertoire for young audiences, underscore the National Arts Centre's commitment to national and community partnerships, and affirm dance for young audiences as part of an ongoing aesthetic education.

image: youth show a triumph

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