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Greenwood Air Cadet Summer Training Centre

My Bags are Packed, I’m Ready to Go!

GACSTC personnel will depart beginning on Friday. If proud parents are planning on picking up your cadet following the graduation parade please ensure that s/he informs his or her flight staff as soon as possible or please contact the administration office at (902) 765-1494 ext. 5838.


Survival Solos Offer Cadets a Unique Experience

The Air Cadet Program offers participants a number of dynamic and challenging opportunities but one of the most unique is the Survival Instructor Solo Exercise. The Survival Instructor Course is a six week course that teaches cadets about a variety of survival techniques including navigation, shelter construction, fishing and trapping among others. However, it is during week five of the course that the cadets get the opportunity to truly experience what it is to be in a survival situation.  More ...


Who's Who

Capt Mayo (18), Lt Murray (315) and F/Sgt Williams (875) are GACSTC' Wing Staff.


Highlights of
Week 6

Mon - Introduction to Leadership Tasks
Tue - Shadow Day
Wed - Effective Speaking Competition
Thu - Commadning Officer's Parade
Fri - Final Graduation Parade
Sat - Staff & Cadets Depart
Sun - Staff & Cadets Depart


Welcome to GACSTC - Greenwood Air Cadet Summer Training Centre

Welcome to the web home of GACSTC - Greenwood Air Cadet Summer Training Centre. GACSTC is one of the Cadets Summer Training Centres in the Atlantic Provinces. We are a part of the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Atlantic) which is located Shearwater, Nova Scotia. Please feel free to roam our web home.

We will be updating on an irregular basis and much of the web site is under construction, so come back again to see the latest updates.

CBC Radio Interviews

On August fifth, Conrad Lutes of CBC Radio Halifax visited Greenwood Air Cadet Summer Training Centre. The following is a three-part series which aired August 8-10, 2005 as a result of that visit.

Part 1 (MPA - 7.69 MB)
Part 2 (MPA - 7.31 MB)
Part 3 (MPA - 7.13 MB)

Recently Updated:

More Improvements at GACSTC


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