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Welcome to the Advanced Flight Safety Course

On behalf of Major General J.J.C. Bouchard, OMM, CD, the Commander of 1 Canadian Air Division, congratulations on having been selected to attend Advanced Flight Safety Course to be held at 17 Wing Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The course is a comprehensive program designed to prepare candidates to assume the duties of a WFSO, D/WFSO, or Wing FS NCM at the squadron or unit level. Candidates consist of aircrew, maintenance, and AEC personnel from across the Canadian Forces. While course material will acquaint you with a variety of Flight Safety topics, it will also be a great opportunity to discuss safety issues and techniques with members from other units.

I am looking forward to meeting you in Winnipeg and trust that this course will prove beneficial to your personal and professional endeavours.

Bob Schofield
Course Director
for Commander

2006 Course Schedule
Advanced Flight Safety Course 0601
20 - 22 September 2006

Note: The AFSC follows the BFSC 0603 given in September 2006.


  • Out-of-town candidates will be accommodated on base in transient quarters either B79 or B65, which are close to all 17 Wing facilities (see map). Accommodations are block booked for each course one day before & one day after your course dates. You/unit OR, are still are required to e-mail the 17 WACCN Office to confirm your arrival / departure dates.
  • Contractors or Foreign Military candidates who elect to not utilize on base accommodation will be responsible for their own accommodation arrangements.
  • Candidates arriving during working hours (0700-2300 hrs weekdays and Sat/Sun) should report to BB 79 main lobby for their room key and meal card. Candidates arriving outside of these times should pick up their room key and meal card at the MP building on the Whytewold Road entrance.
  • Course candidates are responsible for ensuring they have a sufficient funds prior to travel.  An ATM machine is located in BB 79.
  • Meal cards are provided to Canadian military personnel.  For contractor, foreign military and other personnel, meals are available for purchase at the Officers Mess (Officers) and the Combined Mess (Contractors and Non Commissioned Personnel).  See 17 Wing map for details.

Course Outline

  • The course trains Wing/Base Flight Safety officers and their deputies for their duty as Flight Safety advisor to the Wing/Base Commandant.
  • Instruction will be a combination of lecture/demonstration, lecture/discussion, case studies, practical exercises, and visits.
  • Training is provided in establishing and implementing a Flight Safety programme, reporting and investigating Flight Safety occurrences and implementing appropriate preventive measures.


  • Taxis from Winnipeg International Airport to 17 Wing cost approximately (Can) $15.
  • Military transport will not be provided from the airport.
  • Candidates arriving with their own cars will be required to obtain a temporary vehicle pass at the Military Police guardhouse at the Whytewold Road entrance to the base.


  • Dress of the day or flight suits is acceptable. To accommodate personnel traveling home, civilian dress is allowed for those traveling on the last day. NO BLUE JEANS, SHORTS or SANDALS as per Wing dress policy. Casual dress is acceptable for all meals.

Tourism Info

Course Director

  • The Course Director, Capt Bob Schofield, is available to provide assistance before and during the course. He can be reached through the following means.
    Phone: (204) 833-2500 ext. 6981 CSN 257-6981
    Fax: (204) 833-2613 CSN 257-2613
    Message: 1 CAD HQ WINNIPEG//FS TRG


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   Date modified: 2006-09-07
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