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For Professionalism

Photo of Recipient - Captain Lyne Bragagnalo and Mr Mick LeboldusCAPTAIN LYNE BRAGAGNALO

On 8 August 2003 Mister Mick Leboldus conducting an NATO Flying Training in Canada test flight, and Captain Lyne Bragaganolo, the inner runway tower controller, both demonstrated actions worthy of a flight safety For Professionalism award by preventing a Hawk gear up landing.

A Hawk IP had returned from a low-level navigation mission and requested a practice forced landing (PFL) to the inner runway. Captain Bragagnolo sequenced the aircraft and when required requested the pilot confirm the gear down as per the standard operating procedures (SOPs). The pilot responded that the gear was down. As the Hawk neared the final stage of the PFL Captain Bragagnolo conducted a visual confirmation of the gear even though not required by regulation. Additionally, the Hawk PFL pattern is very dynamic, with a steep final approach, making it difficult to confirm the gear from tower. However, Captain Bragagnolo did not see any gear and requested the pilot reconfirm that the gear was down to which the pilot again responded that the gear was down.

At this time, Mister Mick Leboldus was holding short of the runway, awaiting take-off clearance, and heard tower ask the Hawk pilot, a second time, to confirm the gear was down. Mister Leboldus then heard the pilot reply that the gear was down, however, when he looked at the aircraft on short final he clearly saw that the gear was in fact not down. Captain Bragagnolo simultaneously confirmed that the gear was not down and both Mister Leboldus and Captain Bragagnolo directed the Hawk pilot to overshoot. The pilot overshot and eventually landed without further incident.

Mister Leboldus and Captain Bragagnolo's exceptional situational awareness and quick decision making prevented a Hawk gear up landing and potential accident with possible injuries to personnel and loss of materiel resources. Mister Leboldus and Captain Bragagnolo are deserving of the flight safety "For Professionalism" award.

Captain Lyne Bragagnolo & Mr Mick Leboldus serve with the NATO Flight Training in Canada, 15 Wing Moose Jaw.

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