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For Professionalism

Photo of Recipient - Corporal DubeauCORPORAL DENIS DUBEAU

Corporal Dubeau was deployed to Camp Mirage in support of Operation APOLLO in March 2003. As part of his normal duties, Corporal Dubeau conducted daily inspections of the refueling tenders. His meticulous approach to his work led to the identification of premature splits in two of the four high-pressure hoses on the refueling tenders. He immediately rendered the refuelers non-serviceable and informed his chain of command. These splits were so well disguised that the technical assistance visit (TAV) inspection team, which had been at Camp Mirage only two weeks prior, could not detect them.

If these premature splits in the hoses had not been detected at that time, a very unfortunate result would most certainly have occurred. At worst, during a simple refueling of an aircraft with a pump pressure of approximately 1000 litres per minute, the hose could have ruptured at these split points and the fuel and vapours could have ignited. Jet A-1 fuel has a flash point of 38° C and would have destroyed any aircraft, personnel and equipment that would have been in the immediate area. At the very least, there would have been a very large fuel spill with significant environmental risk.

Corporal Dubeau's excellent safety awareness and thorough inspections prevented the failure of a critical equipment component. Corporal Dubeau's proactive approach to his duties averted a catastrophic situation that could potentially have caused loss of life and aircraft, along with considerable environmental contamination.

Corporal Dubeau serves at the Wing Transport Section, 8 Wing Trenton.

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   Date modified: 2005-08-10
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