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For Professionalism

Photo of Recipient - Captain EllestadCAPTAIN CRAIG ELLESTAD

Captain Ellestad was on a syllabus instrument flight for the Initial Multi-Engine course. The crew had just completed an Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach to a touch and go and was tracking the localizer and climbing on departure from Runway 31 Left in Southport.

The Qualified Flight Instructor (QFI) was focused on tuning the navigation aids believing that no other traffic existed due to poor visibilities and indefinite ceilings. In his peripheral vision, Captain Ellestad detected an object ahead and directed the instructor's attention to it. The Qualified Flight Instructor was initially unable to see the object. Captain Ellestad's initial assessment of the object did not show any relative movement in the windshield and so, to deconflict with the traffic, he executed an immediate right turn. The aircraft detected by Captain Ellestad was in fact a Firefly . The contrast with the surrounding weather conditions made the white Firefly extremely difficult to see. Approximately six seconds after first observing the traffic, Captain Ellestad's aircraft passed the Firefly in close proximity. Winnipeg Air Traffic Control (ATC) later verified that the two aircraft had narrowly missed each other, closing to within 100 feet vertically.

Through outstanding situational awareness and timely action, Captain Ellestad prevented a potential mid-air collision.

Captain Ellestad serves with 3 Canadian Forces Flight Training School, Portage, Manitoba.

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   Date modified: 2005-08-11
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