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Flight Safety Crest From the Investigator
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Aircraft Occurrence Summary
Incident photo

Type: Schweizer 2-33 C-FACY

Date: 10 September 2006

Location: Valcartier, Quebec

The accident glider pilot was participating in the Air Cadet fall familiarization gliding program. The cadet had recently graduated from the summer Air Cadet Gliding Program and was in the process of building up gliding time. Runway 04 is divided into two landing lanes with lane 1 being the left lane (near the trees). The Gliders were landing on lane 1 of runway 04.

On the day of the accident the pilot had already flown three dual trips seven solo trips. The accident occurred on the eighth solo flight of the day. The aero-tow and upper air work of the accident flight were uneventful. On final approach the pilot encountered a left crosswind which required the application of a sideslip (left wing down with application of right rudder) to maintain the centre-line of the runway. The left crosswind abruptly ceased as the glider descended below the height of the trees that line the left side of the runway. This caused the glider to drift left towards the forested area and lose airspeed. The glider also encountered some downdrafts. The pilot attempted to correct back to the runway centre-line, however, the glider's left wing contacted some trees at 23 feet above ground level. The glider pivoted 90 degrees to the left and fell almost vertically. The pilot sufferred serious injuries. The glider sustained 'B' category damage.

The investigation is focussing on the proximity of the trees to the landing area and the localized wind shear phenomenon that is well known by Valcartier pilots. The proximity of the trees to the landing area allows for only 18 feet of clearance between the glider's wingtip and the trees when landing on lane 1. The condition which is conducive to the development of wind shear is a left crosswind on runway 04, or a right crosswind on runway 22.

Immediate preventive measures include moving the main landing area to lane 2 - which is further from the tree line. All pilots will be briefed on the local wind shear phenomenon, and this information will be included in the Regional Flying Orders.


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   Date modified: 2006-10-10
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