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Flight Safety Crest From the Investigator
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Aircraft Occurrence Summary
Incident photo

Type: CH149914 Cormorant

Date: 13 July 2006

Location: Chedabucto Bay, near Canso, NS

The accident involved a Cormorant Search and Rescue helicopter with a crew of seven. The crew had assumed SAR standby duties and was authorized to conduct a training mission to practice night boat hoists from the fishing vessel Four Sisters No.1, a member of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary. The cockpit crew consisted of a co-pilot in the left pilot seat, a pilot acting as Aircraft Commander (AAC) in the right pilot seat and a pilot who was the actual Aircraft Commander (AC) seated in the cockpit jump seat. The remainder of the crew occupied the cabin area. They comprised of a Flight Engineer (FE), a Flight Engineer under training (FEUT), a SAR Tech Team Lead (SAR Tech TL) and a SAR Tech Team Member (SAR Tech TM).

The crew departed Greenwood, NS at 2120L hrs and completed an uneventful transit to the Port Hawkesbury, NS airport, where they stopped to conduct a required tail-rotor inspection. While on the ground in Port Hawkesbury, the crew contacted Four Sisters No. 1 to confirm that the weather in the area was suitable for the training scenario. The Captain of the Four Sisters No. 1 stated that the weather was clear, visibility was good and the water was calm.

The aircraft departed Port Hawkesbury just before midnight on 12 July 2006 to rendezvous with the Four Sisters No. 1 at approximately 2 nautical miles (NM) north of Canso, NS on Chedabucto Bay. After locating the ship, the helicopter used the "Over Water Transition Down" procedure and proceeded to the "rest" position, which is 100 ft above the water and a safe distance from the ship just off the hoisting position from which the crew would start the boat hoisting procedure.

At this point, the helicopter descended to 60 feet and the AC directed the flying pilot to go-around. The pilot acknowledged the go-around command and initiated the go-around procedure. During the overshoot attempt, the helicopter entered a nose-low attitude and seconds later the aircraft impacted the water at approx 30 to 50 knots in an 18 degree nose-down attitude with maximum torque being developed by the main rotor. Upon water impact, the front portion of the aircraft was destroyed while the cabin area aft of the forward part of the cargo door remained relatively intact; the aircraft immediately filled with water and rolled inverted. The crew of Four Sisters No. 1 made a "Mayday" call at approximately 0030L hrs 13 July 2006. The aircraft sustained "A" category damage.

The three pilots and the SAR Tech TL were injured but survived the crash. The two flight engineers and the SAR Tech TM were unable to egress the aircraft and did not survive.

No pertinent technical deficiencies have been discovered to date and the investigation is focussing on environmental and human factors. Several human factors need to be further examined including: proficiency, crew resource management, situational awareness, crew pairing, use of night vision goggles and organizational issues such as currency and training. Additionally, several Aviation Life Support Equipment and egress issues will be investigated.


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   Date modified: 2006-09-11
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