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Flight Safety Crest Epilogue
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Aircraft Accident Summary
Incident photo

Type: Katana DA-20 C1 C-GEQF

Date: 25 June 2002

Location: St-Lambert de Lévis, Quebec

The Katana aircraft and crew were conducting the second flight of the private pilot course in the Air Cadet Flying Scholarship program. The student and Instructor Pilot (IP) were practicing circuit procedures in the local training area when, during a simulated final approach at approximately 400' AGL, the IP took control of the aircraft and executed a missed approach. The IP felt a restriction to the flight controls and subsequently noticed that the student's hands remained on the control column. The IP repeatedly ordered the student to release his grip, however, the student did not respond. The aircraft contacted the ground, right wing first, and came to rest in a newly seeded cornfield. The student and IP exited the aircraft unassisted and uninjured. The aircraft suffered "A" category damage.

The Flight Safety Investigation (FSI) determined that meteorological conditions and aircraft serviceability were not factors in this accident.

The FSI concluded that it was most probable that the student unknowingly gripped the control column and interfered with the IP's control inputs during a critical phase of flight. Contributing to this was most likely the student's elevated stress level which caused him to tense-up and pull back on the control column against the IP's inputs. Additionally, the IP was surprised by his inability to control the aircraft and, in the ensuing high stress situation, he did not consider physically removing the student's hands from the control column.

The student's ability to resume training was assessed by a Canadian Forces Flight Surgeon; he subsequently resumed training, successfully completing the course. It was recommended that this accident be used during IP training within the Air Cadet Gliding and Flying programs to illustrate the rare situation when a student freezes on the controls and impedes the IP's ability to control the aircraft, thus requiring an IP to use more than verbal means to regain aircraft control.


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