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On the Verge... 2003 -- A Festival of Readings of New Plays From Across Canada -- CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

November 07, 2002 -

The National Arts Centre English Theatre invites Canadian playwrights to submit a new play for consideration to On the Verge... 2003. On the Verge... is our annual new works festival of public readings. The festival is designed to showcase plays "on the verge" of production to producers from across the country. We are looking for scripts that are close to a production draft stage - scripts that would benefit from a short workshop and a public reading.

On the Verge... will take place in Ottawa at the National Arts Centre from June 14-18, 2003. It is timed to coincide with the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, a new national festival of the best of Canadian theatre performed in English.

The final line-up for On the Verge... will be selected by the Festival's Artistic Coordinator, Lise Ann Johnson, in consultation with a reading committee. Selected plays will receive a short workshop and public reading in Ottawa. Playwrights will have the option of choosing a dramaturg-director for the workshop process. Out of town playwrights will receive travel expenses and accomodation, and must be available to attend the reading to be eligible.

Canadian playwrights or playwrights living in Canada are invited to submit their script, along with a cover letter and resume/bio, to:

On the Verge Festival
National Arts Centre English Theatre
P.O. Box 1534, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5W1

Only full-length scripts will be accepted. Only one submission per playwright. Although the festival will focus mainly on scripts that are unproduced, we will also accept submissions of plays that have been produced independently in the current season and would benefit from further promotion.

Deadline for receipt of submissions is Friday, January 24th, 2003.

All questions regarding the festival can be addressed to the Festival's Artistic Coordinator, Lise Ann Johnson, at

Writers will be notified about the final selection in writing. No scripts will be returned without a SASE.

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