National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canadian Forces Members to Observe Year of the Veteran

NR-05.017 - March 4, 2005

OTTAWA – Canadian Forces members will wear a special insignia pin on their uniforms throughout 2005 to recognize Canada’s “Year of the Veteran.” Veterans Affairs Canada has produced the pin to promote an understanding of the significance and sacrifice of all Canadian veterans. The pin is a stylized maple leaf overlaid with a red-enameled poppy engraved with the year 2005.

The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier, has authorized CF members to wear the pin on their uniforms “…to mark this extremely important and solemn observance.” “The service men and women of today become the veterans of tomorrow,” said General Hillier. “Wearing this insignia during this special year is both a demonstration of support and thanks for those who have gone before, and those who will come after.”

The Minister of National Defence, Bill Graham, and Veterans Affairs Minister Albina Guarnieri have expressed their strong support for this worthy initiative.

The pin will be proudly worn henceforth until the end of the year by all members of the CF. The pins will be issued as soon as possible via the office of the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer.

In 2001, the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada refined the definition of a veteran to recognize all former CF members, Regular and Reserve, who have met both DND’s Military Occupational Classification (MOC) requirements and have been honourably discharged. Many members of the CF have previous service and are therefore currently considered Veterans.

For more information on the Year of the Veteran, visit:


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