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Alberta and Saskatchewan Tour by National Arts Centre Orchestra and Pinchas Zukerman a triumph on all fronts

November 29, 2005 -

Ottawa, Ontario -- The National Arts Centre Orchestra led by Music Director Pinchas Zukerman has just completed its 13-day tour of Alberta and Saskatchewan in celebration of the 100th anniversaries of those two provinces, and it was raves all the way from critics and education partners. The tour from November 7 to 19 included six concerts, three student matinees, and an additional 90 education events in the concert cities as well as several other communities not frequently visited by such musicians.

NAC President and CEO Peter Herrndorf said: “The response we have had from all those who attended the National Arts Centre Orchestra’s concerts and from our education partners in Alberta and Saskatchewan has proven that this tour not only thrilled audiences but will have lasting effects in these two provinces. I am proud of how Pinchas Zukerman and the musicians as well as the team that supports their vision continue to connect with communities across the country. Our thanks go to Presenting Sponsors EPCOR and CN, the National Arts Centre Friends – Alberta, and all the sponsors and donors who made this tour possible.”

Here’s what the critics had to say:

Star Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
“This is a spectacular orchestra, capable of the richest, roundest, most powerful sound, and led with assurance by Zukerman, one of the world’s greatest violinists. It was an inspiring night that was not only musically thrilling, but also evoked feelings of patriotism – that our country has a touring national orchestra of this calibre.”

Leader-Post, Regina, Saskatchewan
“Zukerman both conducted and took the solo role for Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Violin Concerto” It was a beautiful reading of a splendid work, especially the violin cadenzas.
… the rich balance the NACO achieves is one of its great assets.”

Medicine Hat News, Medicine Hat, Alberta
“Saturday night featured the first truly epic performance in Medicine Hat’s new theatre by the river. Violin soloist and orchestra conductor Pinchas Zukerman stunned concert goers with his mastery of both the violin and the baton as the National Arts Centre Orchestra (NACO) made its first appearance at The Esplanade.”

Calgary Herald, Calgary, Alberta
“Under Zukerman’s magical fingers, the Beethoven concerto sounded simply sublime, the long, sinuous solos performed effortlessly with the finest shadings of tone and nuance. The flow of the music came across as a type of inspired fantasy, as if the notes invented themselves as the product of a rhapsodic imagination.”

Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta
“The folks from the East met the folks from the West on a just-large-enough stage to make the biggest, friendliest sounds you ever did hear….Zukerman's conducting is understated. The combined orchestra, 115 musicians strong, gave the dynamic response he lured from them, and the groups combined produced a musical impression that was unified and greater than the sum of its parts.”

The 93 education events brought such responses as these:

For “Music Connexions” that used Broadband videoconferencing to link First Nations children in Regina, Ottawa and Calgary:
“I just wanted you to know that my students had a wonderful time today.  Seeing their expressions, excitement and most of all their enthusiasm was indescribable.  Not only was it a success, but I believe, through this experience, their self-confidence and self-esteem was affected in a positive way and that they should be so proud of themselves.  Thank you so much for the experience.” – Gladys Moberly, Grade 6 teacher, Chief Old Sun School, Siksika Nation, Alberta

For the pre-concert choral performances that showcased local talent:
“Our experience with the NAC for us, and for the many other students involved in NAC education projects, was remarkable.  We feel very lucky to have had this opportunity and our choristers are richer musicians because of it.” – Phoebe Voigts, Artistic Director
Saskatoon Children's Choir

For the NAC Orchestra’s first live webcast to elementary schools throughout Alberta:
“We are a K-9 school with 74 students well off the central corridor in Alberta, so this presents an unparalleled opportunity for our limited music program.” Brett Caukill, principal, Elnora School, Chinook’s Edge School Division No 7, Eckville AB

For the youth orchestra session led by NACO violinist Elaine Klimasko and cellist Margaret Munro Tobolowska at Victoria School linked by Broadband to Burnaby, BC:
“…fabulous opportunity to hear professional musicians teach and play” and “it [was] a chance to try new techniques, to be pushed a bit out of our comfort zone and to really learn something.” – Edmonton youth orchestra directors Miriam Lewis and Olivia Walsh

The NAC Orchestra Alberta-Saskatchewan Tour was supported by Alberta Presenting Sponsor EPCOR and Saskatchewan Presenting Sponsor CN, with additional Major Support in Alberta from CN.  Bell was the Technology Sponsor in Alberta. The Tour’s Education Sponsors were ConocoPhillips in Alberta and SaskEnergy in Saskatchewan. True Energy Inc. was the Saskatchewan Community Sponsor. Special funding for the Tour’s education programmes was provided by Education Donor CIBC, National Arts Centre Friends – Alberta and donors to the NAC’s National Youth and Education Trust. The National Post was the Tour’s National Media Partner.

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For more information please contact:
Jane Morris, Communications Officer,
National Arts Centre Orchestra
(613) 947-7000, ext. 335

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