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Festival Zones Théâtrales: a resounding success!

September 26, 2005 -

The first Festival Zones Théâtrales, produced by the National Arts Centre (NAC) French Theatre, took place from 8 to 17 September 2005 in various venues in the Ottawa/Gatineau region, and proved a magnificent success, both artistically and with respect to attendance. The festival presented nine plays, two evenings to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Théâtre de l’Île, two conferences, five public readings (in co-operation with the Centre des auteurs dramatiques), a round table, three exhibitions, post-performance information sessions, "5 à 7s" and late-night social events with disc jockeys.

This first edition of the Festival Zones Théâtrales attracted more than 3,100 patrons. Eight out of 18 performances were sold out. The morning discussions, as well as the round tables, lectures and afternoon conferences drew close to 800 committed or curious participants. And the late nights at the Bistro de La Nouvelle Scène - re-named the Zone grise for the occasion - enticed a crowd of festival patrons.

"We had three objectives," says the Festival Zones Théâtrales' artistic director, Paul Lefebvre, "and we achieved them. One: original, quality theatrical performances for Ottawa/Gatineau audiences. Two: high turn-out. Three: an authentic festival atmosphere that would encourage connections between audience and the work, between the public and the artists, and amongst the artists themselves. In short, the festival team is very happy. And also very proud." [Translation]

The Festival Zones Théâtrales is a biennial event produced by the NAC French Theatre. Its mandate is to present professional theatre performances from Canada's Francophone communities and regional Quebec (in other words, outside of metropolitan Québec and Montréal).

Energized by the success of this inaugural edition, the team has already begun work on the next Festival Zones Théâtrales, which will be held from 6 to 15 September 2007.

The NAC French Theatre would like to extend their sincerest thanks to all partners in this first edition of the Festival Zones Théâtrales: the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, Le Droit, Voir, Transcontinental, Radio Canada's Première Chaîne, Radio Canada Television, the Centre des auteurs dramatiques (CEAD), Association des théâtres francophones du Canada (ATFC), the Embassy of France in Canada, Second Cup, Kolegram and Livres, Disques, Etc.

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Guy Warin
Communications and Media Relations Officer
National Arts Centre French Theatre
Festival Zones Théâtrales
53Elgin Street, Ottawa (ON) K1P 5W1
(613) 947-7000 or 1 866 850-2787, ext. 759

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