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Honorary Doctorate for Denis Marleau

December 01, 2003 -

Ottawa -- Sunday, 30 November, at 5:00 p.m. marks the opening ceremony for the sixteenth "Entretiens Jacques Cartier" at the Centre Jacques Cartier in Lyon, in the Rhône-Alpes region. During this solemn ceremony, Denis Marleau will receive an honorary doctorate diploma and insignia from the Université Lumière Lyon 2.

During the symposium, Le théâtre aujourd'hui : histoires, sujets, fables, to be held on December 1-2 at the École Normale Supérieure / Lettres et Sciences humaines in Lyon, Denis Marleau will also be the subject of a discussion led by Josette Féral, a professor at the École supérieure de théâtre at the Université du Québec à Montréal. The discussion will deal with the "subject" of a play, particularly the role and forms of contemporary theatre.

On December 1, during the symposium, Paul Lefebvre will present an address entitled Autofictions : autour de Marie Brassard, de Marcel Pomerlo et d'Evelyne de la Chenelière. On December 3-4, as part of the Rencontres étudiantes franco-québécoises autour du théâtre et des formations à l'écriture et à la mise en scène, he will present a playwriting workshop to French and Canadian students on writing, playwriting and directing. Finally, Paul Lefebvre will co-host a round table with the artist on Russian director and educator Anatoli Vassiliev, whose research into acting makes him the modern equivalent of Stanislavski and Grotowski.

The Entretiens Jacques Cartier

Begun in 1987, the Entretiens Jacques Cartier is structured around four themes or main priorities. The first corresponds to specialized technical symposiums initiated and conducted by various leaders from the Rhône-Alpes region. The second offers symposiums on the major societal problems of today and tomorrow and the third broadly examines social economy. Finally, culture constitutes the fourth component of this annual event, which alternates between the Rhône-Alpes region or Quebec. The Centre Jacques Cartier thus engaged in very constructive dialogue with physical communities. The number and quality of participants testifies to the success of the "Entretiens" and the expectations surrounding them. It also highlights the Centre Jacques Cartier's interest in the French-speaking world.

The Centre Jacques Cartier is a gamble, but a permanent gamble that, with its partners, focuses on making French-Quebec/Canadian co-operation a tool par excellence for research into the cultural environment. The Entretiens Jacques Cartier hopes to foster new thinking on possible strategies and future action.

- 30 -

Guy Warin, Communication Officer
(613) 947-7000 or 1 (866) 850-2787, ext. 759
French Theatre, National Arts Centre

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