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Paris comes to Ottawa -- The Canadian debut of the Théâtre National de la Colline May 11–28 at the NAC

April 21, 2005 -

“The director is the one who develops the representative and aesthetic ‘standards’ of a performance, much as a mechanic tunes up an engine so that it runs smoothly.”
Alain Françon

Ottawa, Ontario -- From May 11 to 28, the National Arts Centre (NAC) French Theatre proudly presents the Canadian premiere of two remarkable productions from one of France’s leading theatre companies: the Théâtre National de la Colline in Paris, whose artistic director (since 1996) Alain Françon is acclaimed internationally for his bold creative vision, wide-ranging approach and rigorous artistic practice. A tireless explorer and promoter of infrequently-produced texts and authors, he has distinguished himself particularly for his stagings of such contemporary playwrights as Michel Vinaver, Enzo Cormann, Edward Bond and Daniel Danis. “The theatre we produce at La Colline,” he says, “is political theatre. I believe theatre serves that public function, that political vocation: it’s woven into our community experience, it’s part of our social structure, it’s a tool for learning and one of the most efficient ways to disseminate ideas, a forum for ‘debate’ in the original sense of the word.”

Ottawa audiences will have a chance to see two of Françon’s recent productions: Si ce n’est toi by Edward Bond (May 11, 12, 13 and 14 at 20:00), and e by Daniel Danis (May 19, 20, 21, 27 and 28 at 19:30)—two shows of uncommonly rich artistic texture and social relevance.

Si ce n’est toi: a play that astonishes

In 2077, a totalitarian government has banned the ownership of private property, even personal memorabilia. One evening, a stranger claiming to be Sara's brother shows up at Sara and Jams’s apartment. He even has a (forbidden) childhood photograph to support his story. This short play by UK playwright Edward Bond is equal parts fear and warning — as if Feydeau were teasing Orwell and Ionesco.

“Science fiction drama? Claustrophobic fantasy à la George Orwell? Edward Bond shakes up genres, distorts styles. . . . Alain Françon has staged this multifaceted ogre of a script with diabolical precision. Funny, alarming, blacker than black. He painstakingly dissects the tempo, skilfully layering pauses, silences and allegrettos to transform this pervasive nightmare into a composition of sounds.”

– Fabienne Pascaud, Télérama

Si ce n’est toi
by Edward Bond
French translation by Michel Vittoz / Directed by Alain Françon
With Luc-Antoine Diquéro, Dominique Valadié and Abbès Zahmani

A Théâtre National de la Colline (Paris, France) production with the support of the Association Française d’Action Artistique (Department of Foreign Affairs, France), the French Consulate General in Quebec, the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Quebec Delegation in Paris

May 11, 12, 13 and 14, 2005, at 20:0
in the NAC Studio

e: a play that flows

The Métis have settled on Mayor Blackburn’s land. But this band of refugees is looking for a hero to lead them to freedom… They find one in J’il, son of Dadagobert, king of the Métis. But does J’il want to be a hero? This theatrical epic by Saguenay author Daniel Danis, currently playwright?in?residence at La Colline, explores a fascinating question: What would happen if a civil war (think Palestine, think Bosnia) broke out here?

“Daniel Danis’s writing is extraordinarily vital and inventive, loaded with imagery and imagination. . . . What stands out is his sharp yet delicate irony, the way he describes — without aggressiveness or rage, with the calm objectivity of an ancient epic — the horrors of which humans are capable. And Alain Françon makes excellent use of that sweet irony, that light, even delicate comedy.”

- Fabienne Darge, Le Monde

by Daniel Danis
Directed by Alain Françon
With Stéphanie Béghain, Yoann Blanc, Fred Cacheux, Éric Challier, Gilles David, Valérie de Dietrich, Pierre-Félix Gravière, Perrine Guffroy, David Léon, Guillaume Lévêque, Julie Pilod, Gilles Privat, Caroline Proust and Catherine Vinatier

A Théâtre National de la Colline (Paris, France) production with the support of the Association Française d’Action Artistique (Department of Foreign Affairs, France), the French Consulate General in Quebec, the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Quebec Delegation in Paris

May 19, 20, 21, 27 and 28, 2005, at 19:30
in the NAC Theatre

The Série Théâtre is sponsored by Desjardins

Save 20% off the regular ticket price when you buy tickets to both plays.
Students save even more!

Tickets on sale at the NAC Box Office (53 Elgin Street, Ottawa), through Ticketmaster (at all Ticketmaster outlets or by phone, 613 755 1111) or online at

The National Arts Centre French Theatre gratefully acknowledges the support of its media partners: Le Droit, Week-end Outaouais, Radio-Canada Television, and Radio-Canada (La Première Chaîne).

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Guy Warin,
Communications Officer
NAC French Theatre 
(613) 947-7000 or 1 866 850-2787, ext. 759

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