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Case Study on Renewable Grid-Power Electricity

Baseline Study and Economic Report

Submitted by Marbek Resource Consultants in association with Resources for the Future

May 21, 2004

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives and Scope of this Case Study
1.2 Data Sources
1.3 Presentation of this Report

2. Background and Context
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Policy Context – Encouraging Carbon-Reducing Technology
2.3 The Fiscal Instrument Context – Encouraging Carbon-Reducing Technology
2.4 The Renewable Energy Technologies Context
2.5 The Modelling Context

3. Renewable Grid Power in Canada
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Current Grid-Power RET Status in Canada
3.3 Future Potential for Grid-Power RETs in Canada
3.4 Technology Costs and Learning Trends
3.5 Creation of Model’s Grid-Power RET Supply Curve

4. The Electrical Sector Baseline
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Geographical Coverage
4.3 Time Period
4.4 Discount Rate and Dollar Year
4.5 Marginal Cost of Fossil Fuel Generation
4.6 Baseline Emissions Intensity of Fossil Fuel Generation
4.7 Carbon Abatement Cost Curve for Fossil Fuel Generation
4.8 Price Elasticity of Demand for Electricity
4.9 Return on R&D Investment (ROI)
4.10 Current Expenditures on Renewables R&D in Canada
4.11 Baseline Demand for Electricity from Fossil Fuel
4.12 Baseline of Annual Renewable Energy Supplied
4.13 Carbon Price

5. Economic and Policy Analysis – Application to Canada
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overview of Fiscal Instruments Assessed
5.3 Overview of RFF Renewables Uptake Model
5.4 Summary of Results
5.5 Discussion of the Base Case and Fiscal Instruments
5.6 Sensitivity Analysis
5.7 Conclusion


Appendix A: Survey of Renewable Energy Fiscal Instruments

Appendix B: Overview of the Model

Appendix C: References, Assumptions and Notes on Grid-Power RET Resources

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