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Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators (ESDI) Steering Committee

An important aspect of the ESDI Initiative is its commitment to work with stakeholders to develop indicators accepted by a wide range of sectors and groups in Canada, many of which do not work in the fields of sustainable development or the environment.

The program is guided by a steering committee that includes representatives from current sustainability indicator projects, business, labour, environment groups, not-for-profit organizations, and academic and research institutions. Further to this, Environment Canada, Statistics Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Finance Canada and Health Canada are participating as ex-officio members of the steering committee.

Stuart Smith
ESDI Steering Committee
ENSYN Technologies Inc.

Peter Pearse
ESDI Steering Committee
Professor Emeritus
Department of Forest Resources Management
University of British Columbia

Mark Anielski
Anielski Management Inc.
Formerly of the Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development

Paul Antle
President and CEO
Island Waste Management

Karen Brown
Assistant Deputy Minister
Environmental Conservation Service
Environment Canada

Gary Bull
Assistant Professor
Department of Forest Resources Management
University of British Columbia

Diane Carroll
Associate Assistant Deputy Minister
Policy and Communications
Environment Canada

Ron Colman
GPI Atlantic

Peter Drake
Vice-President and Deputy Chief Economist
TD Bank Financial Group

Pierre Gosselin
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec

Peter Hardi
Senior Fellow and Program Director
Measurement and Indicators Program
International Institute for Sustainable Development

Yvan Hardy
Assistant Deputy Minister
Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada

Raymond Ivany
Nova Scotia Community College

Claude-André Lachance
Government Affairs
Dow Chemical Canada

Keith Leggat
Executive Director
Policy Secretariat
Alberta Environment

David Marshall
Executive Director
Fraser Basin Council

Margaret McCuaig-Johnston
General Director
EDFC - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
Finance Canada

David J. McGuinty
President and CEO
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Dann M. Michols
Assistant Deputy Minister
Healthy Environment and Consumer Safety Branch
Health Canada

Linda Nowlan
Formerly Executive Director
West Coast Environmental Law Association

Nicholas Parker
Sustainable Asset Management
Equity Partners Ltd.

David D. Rodier
Senior Vice-President
Environment, Safety and Health
Noranda Inc.

Andrew Sharpe
Executive Director
Centre for the Study of Living Standards

Claude Simard
Environment Accounts and Statistics Division
Statistics Canada

Philip Smith
Assistant Chief Statistician
National Accounts and Analytical Studies Field
Statistics Canada

Robert Smith
Assistant Director
Environment Accounts and Statistics Division
Statistics Canada

Danielle Tanguay
Tréma Gestion Conseil Inc.

Hassan Yussuff
Canadian Labour Congress

Sandra Zagon
Quality of Life Indicators Project
Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc.


Carolyn Cahill
Senior Policy Advisor

Note: This program was carried out over a number of years, and some participants' titles/organizations may have changed during that time.