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© 2006

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Long-Term Energy and Climate Change

On February 16 of 2005, as the Kyoto Protocol took effect, the Government requested that the NRTEE consider the energy and climate change issues and challenges that Canada faces and provide advice on a long-term strategy.

The NRTEE’s long-term advice will examine how Canada can set itself on a course to achieve deep and long-term reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while positioning Canada for maximum economic benefit.

It will also examine Canada’s international role with regard to climate change in the following three areas:

  • Integrating climate change objectives into Canadian foreign policy, trade and aid objectives;
  • Promoting linkages between Canada’s emerging carbon market and existing/emerging international ones, as well as ways to shape future global markets for carbon through domestic instruments and international initiatives; and,
  • Maximizing trade opportunities, in particular developing a strategy to promote the export of Canadian climate-related technologies.

Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change
Official release - June 21, 2006


Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change

Canada can simultaneously make meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promote its national interest, increasing productivity and competitiveness, improving air quality and meeting the energy needs of our growing economy. more


Advice to the Prime Minister in Advance of COP 11

Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
Full Report - HTML
Full Report - PDF

Glossary - Selected Climate Change Terms and Acronyms