Faculty of Science


    Faculty of Science
    University of Regina
    3737 Wascana Parkway
    Regina, Saskatchewan
    Canada   S4S 0A2

Welcome to the Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science represents one of the strongest academic areas at the University of Regina.  It attracts more than half of all external research funding and holds two Canada Research Chairs.  With the need for scientific and technical skills in the 21st century, students will find that the strengths of the Faculty make it an attractive one in which to further their education. 

The Faculty is composed of six departments: 



Chemistry & Biochemistry


Computer Science



Mathematics & Statistics



Laboratory Building

 D E A N ' S  M E S S A G E
Dr. Katherine Bergman
 S T R A T E G I C  P L A N
Strategic Plan: 2005-2010
Annual Report 2005

Science Vision and Mission

 E M P L O Y M E N T   
 O P P O R T U N I T I E S

 O T H E R   N O T I C E S 
in-cites, November 2006
U of R enters Top 1%
Professor Mark Brigham of the University of Regina’s Biology Department talks about the University’s citation record in the field Plant & Animal Science. Read more......
 S E A R C H

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Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science