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Business and Environmental Experts to speak at Domestic Emissions Trading seminar
10 January, 2002

Ottawa - On Monday, January 14, Halifax business, environmental and other community leaders will come together to learn about how emissions trading could help Canada reduce climate changing greenhouse gases.

The first seminar in a national series called The ABCs of Emissions Trading will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Halifax Hotel. It is being produced by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Pollution Probe.

"This exciting event will help prepare Halifax leaders to contribute to future national discussions on how Canada can reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet its international obligations under the Kyoto Protocol," said David J. McGuinty, President and CEO of the National Round Table.

Program highlights include:

Jeremy Byatt, Vice-President of Emera Inc. and Robert Hornung, Policy Director of the Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development will share their views and experiences with emissions trading during a panel discussion, starting at 3:45 p.m.

Dirk Forrister, a U.S. expert and senior advisor to former U.S. President Bill Clinton on climate change will be the opening speaker at 2 p.m. He will present his perspective on emissions trading and its potential as a response to climate change in the United States. Mr. Forrister is now based in Boulder, Colorado as a managing director at Natsource, a brokerage firm that has arranged some of the largest emissions trades ever.

Doug Russell, one of Canada's leading experts in climate change and a former co-lead in Kyoto negotiations, will lay out basic mechanics of emissions trading, starting at 2:30 p.m.

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy is an independent agency of the federal government. Its main goal is to provide objective views and information regarding the nature and scope of the national debate on issues that focus on the environment and the economy. The NRTEE is composed of a Chair and up to 24 members who are appointed by the Prime Minister from a broad range of regions and sectors, including business, labour, academia, environmental organizations and First Nations.


For information or to pre-arrange an interview:
Jim Thompson 613-567-9592 or 613-286-8012 cell

Media Contacts

The ABCs of Emissions Trading Agenda

Monday, January 14
Halifax Ballroom
Sheraton Halifax Hotel

1:30 pm

Welcome from David McGuinty, CEO of the National Round Table

Introduction from the seminar co-chairs Patricia McCunn-Miller, Managing Director, Environment and Regulatory Affairs, PanCanadian Energy and Ken Ogilvie, Executive Director, Pollution Probe

2:00 pm The United States Experience
Mr. Dirk Forrister, Natsource Managing Director of Strategic Issues
2:30 pm Emissions Trading Principles, Options and Implications for Canada
Mr. Doug Russell, President of Global Change Strategies International
3:00 pm Question and Answer session with Mr. Forrister and Mr. Russell
3:45 pm A Panel Discussion - Facing the Issues on domestic emissions trading
Jeremy Byatt, Vice-President, External Relations, Emera Inc.
Robert Hornung, Policy Director, Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development

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