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Capital Markets and Sustainability

With the Capital Markets & Sustainability program, the NRTEE is exploring the relationship between capital markets, financial performance and sustainability in Canada.

By facilitating a strong, neutral and independent multistakeholder debate on responsible investment1 and corporate responsibility2 and exploring the links between sustainability (comprising environmental and social issues) and financial performance in Canada, the National Round Table hopes to address two key questions:

  • Is there a financial return to business in pursuing the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors?
  • Is the pursuit of such policies rewarded through the investment allocation decisions of fund managers in the capital markets?

Additional issues the NRTEE will examine include: what are the consequences for companies that either decide to, or decide not to, integrate ESG factors into their business decisions; do capital markets influence such decisions by rewarding leaders or punishing stragglers; and, what can be done to encourage pension funds and companies to increase their integration of ESG factors into their decisions.

Over a two year period, the NRTEE met with representatives from the private, public and civil society sectors in a series of regional stakeholder meetings and consultations across Canada (15 meetings in total, held in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver). The feedback and advice from these meetings and consultations, in addition to a series of commissioned background papers, helped broaden the Task Force’s scope and understanding of existing barriers and opportunities available to promote and reward corporate competitiveness, innovation and sustainability in the investment decision-making process in Canada. There have been four Task Force meetings over the course of the program (one in Ottawa, two in Toronto and its final meeting in Calgary).

A State of the Debate report – including the program’s findings and policy recommendations – will be released in the spring of 2006. The final report will not only provide advice to the federal government regarding, for example, changes to legislation and reporting practices, but will also be of interest to a broad audience including private sector corporations, large institutional fund managers, labour and environmental groups.

2 The Round Table defines corporate responsibility (CR) as encompassing an examination of the same environmental and social issues as RI but CR deals with the issues within the context of how capital is allocated within a company.


The sdEffect™: Translating Sustainable Development into Financial Valuation Measures

A Pilot Analytical Framework

This report sets out a Pilot Analytical Framework for using traditional financial valuation techniques to isolate the potential impact of Sustainable Development (SD) on company valuation and share price performance. By isolating the valuation effects of corporate SD in financial language, the report provides a basis for engaging the financial community in better integrating SD considerations into financial analyses and investment decision making.

Measuring What Counts:
Establishing a best practice approach for the management, valuation and performance measurement of corporate contributions to the sustainability of Canadian communities

Corporate Disclosure and Capital Markets:
Demand and Supply of Financially Relevant Corporate Responsibility Information

Comparative Study of
U.K. and Canadian Pension Fund Transparency Practices

Scan of the Community Investment Sector in Canada

Financial Reporting Disclosures about Social, Environmental and Ethical (SEE) Issues

Capital Markets and Sustainability: Examining the links between sustainable development and financial performance in Canada

Thursday, April 1, 2004
Vancouver, BC, Canada
(more information...)

For further information, please contact:

David Myers
Policy Advisor
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Tel: (613) 947-0663
Fax: (613) 992-7385