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Case Study on the Role of Fiscal Policy in Hydrogen Development

Executive Summary

Pembina Institute and the Canadian Energy Research Institute

May 10, 2004

To that end, the Pembina Institute and the Canadian Energy Research Institute were commissioned to complete a study on the role of fiscal policy in promoting development of hydrogen technologies and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada. This exercise produced two studies, a Baseline Report and an Economic Analysis Report. The Baseline Report describes the state of development of hydrogen technologies in Canada and the existing policy framework; it provides an initial evaluation of a range of fiscal policy options for promoting development of hydrogen technologies. The Baseline Report identifies seven fiscal policies capable of providing direct incentives to hydrogen technologies while explicitly addressing a major barrier that currently limits the technology’s market penetration. The seven fiscal policies are: investment tax credits; producer tax credits; accelerated capital cost allowances (CCAs); research and development (R&D); grants; consumer tax credits; and pilot projects. The initial evaluation focuses on producer incentives, designed to reduce the production cost of hydrogen technologies, and consumer incentives, designed to reduce the end-use cost of hydrogen technologies. More specifically, the fiscal policies considered in this analysis reduced the cost of hydrogen production, stationary fuel cells, fuel-cell vehicles and buses, and hydrogen internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The Economic Analysis Report presents the results of the modelling exercise undertaken to test the impact of these fiscal policies on particular hydrogen technologies.

A national macro-economic model — the Energy 2020 model — was used to test the effect of the producer and consumer incentives on the market penetration of hydrogen technologies and associated GHG emissions. The model simulated two methods of hydrogen production: steam methane reformers (SMRs) and electrolysis. The modelling began with a reference case, or ‘business-as-usual’, model, to which producer and consumer incentives were added (the ‘fiscal scenario’ model). The results presented below and in the Economic Analysis Report reflect the impact of a combination of producer and consumer incentives equivalent to a 25-percent decrease in production costs. For the transportation sector, the two different methods of hydrogen production were simulated and the fiscal results presented for both.

In all relevant sectors, the fiscal policies resulted in an increased demand for energy associated with hydrogen technologies. In the transportation sector, while the energy demand associated with hydrogen technologies was not significant in absolute terms —constituting between 0.03 and 34.87 petajoules (PJ) of demand in 2030, depending on the particular region — the increase in hydrogen-related energy demand was significant. Nationally, energy demand associated with hydrogen-related vehicles increased from 64.36 PJ in 2030 in the SMR reference case and 62.24 PJ in 2030 in the electrolysis reference case, to 96.26 PJ in 2030 in the SMR fiscal scenario model and 93.25 PJ in 2030 in the electrolysis fiscal scenario model — an increase of almost 50 percent. In terms of the number of vehicles, the fiscal scenario model led to an increase of 47,312 fuel-cell vehicles, 33,371 hydrogen ICE vehicles and 218 fuel-cell buses in the case of hydrogen produced from SMRs. Similar results were realized for hydrogen production using electrolysis. On a regional basis, the fiscal scenario model resulted in an increase of over 45 percent in hydrogen-related energy demand for most provinces and territories.

Like the transportation sector, the residential building sector and the commercial sector realized an increase in energy demand associated with stationary fuel cells as a result of the application of fiscal policies. In the residential building sector, energy demand from stationary fuel cells increased from 2.61 PJ in 2030 in the reference case to 14.45 PJ in 2030 in the fiscal scenario model, an increase of 454 percent. Similarly, in the commercial sector, energy demand from stationary fuel cells increased from 0.41 PJ in 2030 in the reference case to 2.81 PJ in 2030 in the fiscal scenario model, an increase of 592 percent. In terms of the number of stationary fuel cells, 15,770 more stationary fuel cells were introduced to the residential sector by 2030 as a result of the fiscal scenario model, while the increase was 90 for the commercial sector.

In the fiscal scenario model, GHG emissions associated with the transportation, residential and commercial sectors declined as the market penetration of hydrogen technologies increased. In the transportation sector, reductions in emissions equalled 1,240 kilotonnes in 2030 for hydrogen produced from SMRs. If the hydrogen is produced from a source with almost no GHG emissions (i.e., wind or nuclear power), the reductions in emissions would increase to 2,650 kilotonnes in 2030. The penetration of stationary fuel cells into the residential and commercial sectors led to a decline in GHG emissions of 710 kilotonnes from these sectors by 2030. Taking into account the impact of mobile and stationary fuel cells, total GHG emissions in Canada would decline by 1,940 kilotonnes for hydrogen produced from SMRs. These figures include GHG emissions associated with hydrogen production. Taking into account only those emissions associated with hydrogen consumption (i.e., assuming that the hydrogen is produced from zero-GHG- emission sources, or that any GHG emissions are captured) led to reductions in emissions of 3,360 kilotonnes for consumption of energy using hydrogen produced by SMRs and 3,370 kilotonnes for consumption of energy using hydrogen produced by electrolysis.

The modelling analysis revealed that the reduction in GHG emissions as a result of the market penetration of hydrogen technologies comes at a fairly high cost per tonne, due to the combined effect of the limited reductions in GHG emissions that were actually realized and the existing cost barriers associated with the development of hydrogen technologies. The producer and consumer incentives reduced capital and operating costs by 25 percent each; however, given the high costs associated with hydrogen technologies (initially 50 percent more than the capital costs associated with conventional technologies in the transportation sector), the magnitude of funds required to achieve these reduced costs was significant. In other words, the high costs of the fiscal policy and the relatively limited reductions in GHG emissions that were achieved represented a high cost per tonne of reduction.

This analysis revealed that fiscal policy is capable of facilitating an increase in the market penetration of hydrogen technologies in the transportation, residential and commercial sectors. For all sectors, and in all regions in Canada, the introduction of fiscal policies led to an increased demand for energy associated with hydrogen technologies. This result held true on an absolute basis and also as a percent of total energy, with hydrogen technologies capturing a greater share of total energy when fiscal policies were in place. Despite these results, the market penetration of hydrogen technologies was still relatively minor and the reduction in GHG emissions that was achieved was also relatively small, even with the fiscal policies.