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Case Study on the Role of Fiscal Policy in Hydrogen Development

Baseline Report

Pembina Institute and the Canadian Energy Research Institute

May 10, 2004

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The following tasks were completed as part of the baseline assessment of hydrogen development in Canada.

Establish a Baseline for Hydrogen Development

The first step in this analysis was to establish a baseline for hydrogen development in Canada. This includes a discussion of key sectoral characteristics and a description of the current level of technological development for all major applications (portable, stationary and mobile) and stages including hydrogen production, storage, transportation and use. This was accomplished using a combination of a literature review, contact with industry experts and work previously completed by the Pembina Institute in this field.

Identify Alternative Hydrogen Pathways

The second step in this analysis was to identify and assess a comprehensive set of hydrogen pathways that can be realized over approximately the next 30 years (up to 2030). A hydrogen pathway comprises different combinations of energy sources, conversion technologies, transportation and storage devices and end-use products. We began by identifying an extensive set of pathways through which hydrogen could be developed in Canada. We then assessed these pathways according to the likelihood of the pathway being realized, data availability and the impact the particular pathway could have on national carbon emissions. The end result was a manageable list of pathways for further consideration and modelling.

Obtain Technology Parameters and Modify Model

For each of the pathways, we then collected detailed technology parameters for input into the Energy 2020 model (the model that will be employed to evaluate fiscal policy scenarios in the next stage of this research). Model parameters included capital costs, operating and maintenance costs, fuel costs, energy use efficiencies, the portion of the market with access to hydrogen technologies and energy use in the production of hydrogen. This information was collected through a combination of literature review and consultation with experts.

Technology parameters for each of the pathways were then incorporated into the Energy 2020 model. Based on these parameters and the model’s representation of how consumers behave, the model will determine the market share of the hydrogen technologies in various uses (stationary and mobile) given fiscal policy stimulus.

Describe the Current Policy Framework

The federal government in Canada has already implemented a number of policies related to hydrogen technologies. Thus, before investigating the role of additional policies, it was necessary to first understand the key policies currently in place. To that end, the third step in this analysis was to identify and describe the key fiscal policies currently governing hydrogen developments in Canada.

Identify the Barriers to Hydrogen Developments

The fourth step in this analysis was to identify the barriers, both technological and economic, that currently limit hydrogen technology market penetration in Canada. This was accomplished through a combination of literature review and expert consultation.

Evaluate Fiscal Policies for Hydrogen Development

Once the barriers were identified, it was then necessary to develop an extensive list of fiscal policies that can be employed to overcome these barriers. Thus, the next step in the analysis was to develop a list of fiscal policies and evaluate these policies according to a set of criteria, which included the ability to address a barrier identified in the previous step. The evaluation was used to narrow the list of potential fiscal policy options to only those that offer the greatest potential to increase market penetration of hydrogen technologies in Canada. These policies were further evaluated in the Economic Analysis segment of this research.

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