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© 2006

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Case Study on Fiscal Policy and Energy Efficiency
Lessons Learned

Prepared by
M.K. Jaccard & Associates

Please note that this version of the case study is slightly modified from the version previously available. The modification relates to a paragraph in Section 3.5 of Appendix B dealing with aluminium electrolysis technologies

June 4, 2004

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  • While the greater diffusion of technologies already in the market targets decarbonization of the energy system immediately, it is also important to consider continued innovation and commercialization of energy-efficient technologies in the long term.

  • Energy efficiency is not necessarily the most cost-effective option to reduce carbon emissions in the industry sector. Other means include: fuel switching; reducing fugitive emissions; reducing process emissions; and capture and storage of CO2. In the modelling results, while a significant share of reductions in emissions occurred through increased energy efficiency, considerable reductions also occurred through other means. Focusing on energy efficiency alone risks orienting efforts to achieve decarbonization in industry towards an option that is not the most cost-effective.
  • Promoting greater energy efficiency is not a new policy objective; it has been actively pursued in many countries over the past 30 years. Considerable experience can be gained from understanding the successes and failures of these efforts. Of significant note is research that shows an ‘energy-efficiency gap’ between the levels of investment in energy efficiency needed for cost-effectiveness and the lower levels of investment that are actually being made. This gap is a chief focus of this case study, which attempts to estimate alternative carbon emissions scenarios, as well as to evaluate the related economic costs and potential for EFR policy to influence the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. This is an emerging analytical area that has only recently been incorporated into technology simulation modelling.

  • Technical gains in energy efficiency do not translate directly into reduced carbon emissions. The potential for industrial energy efficiency actions to contribute to the decarbonization of the energy system is a complex matter, based on the following factors:
    1. The degree to which technical potential can be further developed – Our energy system is far from being at its maximum technical potential for second-law efficiency, but how and when will new technologies and systems be developed?
    2. The degree to which this potential is adopted – Mature energy-efficient technologies that appear to be cost-effective are available, but have not penetrated the market. To what degree will energy-efficient technologies, systems and practices be adopted?
    3. The degree to which this adoption translates into reduced aggregate energy use – The lower cost of energy services from investments in energy efficiency elicits a rebound effect of increased demand for energy services and thus creates greater energy consumption.
    4. The carbon intensity of conserved energy – Reductions in carbon emissions depend on the carbon intensity of energy; for instance, the impact of improved energy-efficient end-use will be considerably different depending on whether that electricity was generated by hydroelectric power or thermal generation.

  • The modelling work in the case study sought to analyse complex relationships involved in the carbon intensity of conserved energy. Forecasting trends based on models is inevitably an uncertain endeavour, since models cannot possibly incorporate all information and relationships of potential importance, or accurately project all factors 2. Still, the modelling results can suggest the potential of current and emerging technologies to harness energy efficiency; the role of energy efficiency in industry among other options to decarbonize; and the relative potential for decarbonization among industry sub-sectors.

  • Modelling the long-term potential for fiscal policies that will increase adoption of energy efficiency suggests the need for a dynamic analysis that is capable of considering how technological innovation and perhaps even consumers’ and establishments’ preferences may be influenced by these policies. That kind of analysis was beyond the capability of this case study, but is emerging as a new direction for research.

  • The results of the alternative scenarios reflect certain assumptions about carbon prices — different prices for carbon would have revealed different potentials for reductions. While the potential for decarbonization would appear to be greater, the model tended to show diminishing returns in decarbonization (lower additional reductions in emissions for each additional $ / tonne of carbon).

  • The long-term potential for energy efficiency to contribute to a decarbonized energy system is also constrained by what it will cost to produce a clean energy supply. The price of energy represents an upper limit on the potential of energy efficiency to contribute to reductions in carbon emissions.
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