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Case Study on the Role of Fiscal Policy in Hydrogen Development

Economic Analysis

Pembina Institute and the Canadian Energy Research Institute

May 10, 2004

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Fiscal Policy Evaluation

This chapter describes the impact of the fiscal policies. The results associated with the fiscal policies, referred to below as the Fiscal Scenario, include both the producer tax credit and the consumer incentives. For each relevant category of output (transportation, stationary and greenhouse gas emissions), Reference Case results as well as the results associated with the Fiscal Scenario are presented.

In the case of the transportation sector, where the two hydrogen production methods lead to different outputs, results are presented for the SMR and Electrolyzer Reference Cases as well as the SMR and Electrolyzer Fiscal Scenarios. Results are also presented for costs in terms of the cost per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced. The results focus on the impact of the Fiscal Scenario in the year 2030.


It is useful to begin by considering the impact of the producer tax credit on the price of hydrogen for both hydrogen production methods by region. Table 17 compares hydrogen prices in 2030 for the Reference Cases with the Fiscal Scenario for each region. Since the producer tax credit is simulated as a percent reduction in the price of hydrogen, those regions with relatively higher hydrogen prices in the Reference Case realize a greater absolute reduction in the price of hydrogen. It is worth noting that hydrogen production from electrolysis is cheaper in Quebec and Manitoba, regions that rely heavily on hydropower for electricity generation. Ninety-seven percent of electricity in Quebec is from hydro and 99% of electricity in Manitoba is from hydro. 18

Table 17 Hydrogen Prices by Region for 203019, 2000$/kg

Region SMR Reference Case SMR
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference
Elec Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference
Ontario 6.88 5.39 1.49 7.86 5.94 1.91
Quebec 7.64 6.01 1.63 7.53 5.80 1.73
BC 7.20 5.69 1.50 6.94 5.45 1.49
Alberta 6.10 4.78 1.32 6.93 5.39 1.54
Manitoba 6.63 5.22 1.41 6.26 5.03 1.23
Saskatchewan 6.54 5.17 1.38 6.92 5.44 1.48
NB 7.53 5.94 1.59 6.80 5.43 1.37
Nova Scotia 7.57 5.95 1.62 7.22 5.50 1.72
Newfoundland 7.56 6.12 1.44 6.75 6.77 -0.02
PEI 7.83 6.12 1.71 10.82 8.36 2.46
Yukon 7.50 5.80 1.70 14.11 10.76 3.35
NWT 8.50 6.57 1.93 22.13 16.76 5.36
Nunavut 8.37 6.45 1.92 22.01 16.64 5.36

The decline in the price of hydrogen leads to a decline in energy demand from the transportation sector for all regions as the penetration of fuel cells increases and efficiency gains are realized. Nationally, the Fiscal Scenario leads to a decline in total transportation demand of 0.29% in the case of the SMR hydrogen production and 0.33% in the case of electrolyzer hydrogen production (Table 18).

Table 18 Transportation Demand20 by Region, 2030

Region SMR Reference Case (PJ/yr) SMR
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 761.76 759.69 -0.27% 761.54 759.11 -0.32%
Quebec 385.93 384.94 -0.26% 386.41 385.60 -0.21%
BC 257.52 256.77 -0.29% 257.57 256.79 -0.30%
Alberta 349.34 347.97 -0.39% 349.00 347.37 -0.47%
Manitoba 83.89 83.56 -0.39% 83.98 83.68 -0.36%
Saskatchewan 126.46 125.98 -0.38% 126.52 126.02 -0.40%
NB 58.16 58.08 -0.13% 57.92 57.70 -0.39%
Nova Scotia 58.65 58.57 -0.13% 58.45 58.25 -0.33%
Newfoundland 23.42 23.38 -0.18% 23.33 23.23 -0.43%
PEI 10.09 10.06 -0.26% 10.05 9.99 -0.56%
Yukon 0.74 0.74 0.09% 0.73 0.73 -0.66%
NWT 1.65 1.64 -0.19% 1.64 1.62 -0.84%
Nunavut 0.62 0.62 0.06% 0.61 0.61 -0.75%
Total 2,118.21 2,112.00 -0.29% 2,117.75 2,110.70 -0.33%

While energy demand in the transportation sector declined as a result of the penetration of the hydrogen-related vehicles and associated efficiency gains, energy demand associated with hydrogen itself increased. Table 19 describes hydrogen-related energy demand for the Reference Cases and the Fiscal Scenario for 2030. For each region, hydrogen-related energy demand is higher for the relatively cheaper hydrogen production method. For example, in Quebec hydrogen from electrolysis is cheaper than hydrogen from SMR. Thus, the hydrogen-related energy demand associated with the electrolyzers (versus the SMR) is higher for both the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario in Quebec. On a national scale, energy demand associated with hydrogen-related vehicles increased significantly, by almost 50% in both the SMR and Electrolyzer cases. Regionally, the increase in demand associated with hydrogen was fairly uniform, with Alberta seeing a slightly higher increase than the other regions.

Table 19 Hydrogen-Related Energy Demand21 in the Transportation Sector by Region, 2030

Region SMR Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 23.57 34.87 47.96% 22.16 32.96 48.75%
Quebec 13.29 19.62 47.64% 13.78 20.29 47.18%
BC 7.91 11.71 48.06% 7.78 11.54 48.31%
Alberta 9.27 14.32 54.48% 8.27 12.88 55.80%
Manitoba 2.25 3.41 51.80% 2.30 3.49 51.55%
Saskatchewan 3.44 5.30 54.06% 3.26 5.04 54.59%
NB 1.72 2.61 51.87% 1.85 2.78 50.55%
Nova Scotia 1.82 2.74 50.85% 1.86 2.78 49.72%
Newfoundland 0.72 1.09 51.19% 0.70 1.05 50.59%
PEI 0.30 0.45 53.13% 0.24 0.36 48.76%
Yukon 0.02 0.03 51.34% 0.01 0.02 92.44%
NWT 0.04 0.07 53.99% 0.02 0.04 57.88%
Nunavut 0.02 0.03 46.04% 0.01 0.02 52.39%
Total 64.36 96.26 49.56% 62.24 93.25 49.81%

It is useful to look at the change in key modes of transportation for a more detailed picture of the impact of the Fiscal Scenario on particular hydrogen technologies. The table below shows energy demand associated with key modes of transport for Canada as a whole for the Reference Cases and the Fiscal Scenario. The figures demonstrate that the Fiscal Scenario leads to a reduction in demand for non-hydrogen personal automobiles and transit buses and an increase in demand for fuel cell buses, fuel cell light-duty cars and hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles. While energy demand associated with the hydrogen vehicles is not significant in absolute terms, the increase in demand on a percentage basis relative to the Reference Cases is substantial.

Table 20 Transportation Energy Demand in Canada by Select Mode, 2030

MODE SMR Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Personal LDV 1,999.39 1,962.39 -1.85% 2,000.54 1,963.51 -1.85%
Fuel Cell LDV 26.46 41.60 57.23% 26.21 41.19 57.16%
Hydrogen ICE LDV 35.22 50.17 42.46% 33.12 47.20 42.51%
Transit Buses 18.61 18.26 -1.88% 18.62 18.27 -1.88%
Fuel Cell Buses 2.68 4.49 67.12% 2.91 4.86 66.72%

The table below presents the share of transportation energy demand attributable to hydrogen-related vehicles (the sum of demand associated with fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen ICE vehicles and fuel cell buses) for each of the Reference Cases and the Fiscal Scenario. The figures show an increase in the share of total transportation energy demand associated with hydrogen-related vehicles and a decline in the share of energy demand associated with conventional cars and buses.

Table 21 Share of Transportation Energy Demand22 by Mode,23 2030

MODE SMR Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference Case
Personal LDV 94.19% 92.60% -1.69% 94.465% 93.03% -1.52%
Fuel Cell LDV 1.33% 2.11% 58.67% 1.238% 1.95% 57.68%
Hydrogen ICE LDV 1.77% 2.54% 43.29% 1.564% 2.24% 42.98%
Transit Buses 0.88% 0.86% -1.72% 0.879% 0.87% -1.55%
Fuel Cell Buses 0.12% 0.21% 70.55% 0.138% 0.23% 67.28%

Because fuel cell vehicles are more efficient than conventional vehicles, a fuel cell vehicle will travel further than a conventional vehicle given the same amount of energy consumption. For this reason, it is necessary to consider not only the amount of energy demand associated with hydrogen vehicles, as is shown in Table 21 above, but also the change in the physical stock of fuel cell vehicles as a result of the Fiscal Scenario. Table 22 shows the number of vehicles for key modes for Canada for 2030. The table demonstrates the increase in hydrogen-related vehicles between the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario. For example, the number of fuel cell light-duty vehicles increased by 47,312 between the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario for SMR hydrogen production. The increase in fuel cell light-duty vehicles was slightly less for electrolyzer hydrogen production. The number of fuel cell buses and hydrogen internal combustion engine LDVs also increased as a result of the Fiscal Scenario. It is worth noting that the overall number of light-duty vehicles decreased between the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario. The decline in the number of light-duty vehicles is largely the result of limited funds for investing in personal vehicles. In other words, the residential and commercial sectors have limited money available to invest in vehicles. When they invest in a more expensive vehicle (for example, a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle), total investment in second cars declines.

Table 22 Number of Vehicles in Canada by Select Mode, 2030

MODE SMR Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case Elec
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference Case
Personal LDV 12,183,795 11,958,326 -225,469 12,190,803 11,965,151 -225,652
Fuel Cell LDV 82,688 130,000 47,312 81,906 128,719 46,813
Hydrogen ICE LDV 78,616 111,987 33,371 73,929 105,357 31,428
Transit Buses 4,081 4,004 -77 4,083 4,007 -76
Fuel Cell Buses 322 540 218 350 584 234

Stationary Fuel Cells

The tables in this section describe the impact of the Fiscal Scenario on stationary fuel cells introduced in the residential and commercial sectors. Table 23 shows the change in demand associated with stationary fuel cells by region for the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario. The lack of penetration in several regions is due to limited availability of natural gas. Other regions realized significant penetration of stationary fuel cells on a percentage increase basis, even while the total energy associated with stationary fuel cells in absolute terms remains fairly low.

Table 23 Demand Associated with Stationary Fuel Cells in Canada, 2030

Region Reference Case (PJ/yr)
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 0.793 3.714 368%
Quebec 0.000 0.000 NA
BC 0.060 0.359 500%
Alberta 2.114 12.814 506%
Manitoba 0.001 0.005 499%
Saskatchewan 0.047 0.361 675%
NB 0.000 0.000 NA
Nova Scotia 0.000 0.000 NA
Newfoundland 0.000 0.000 NA
PEI 0.000 0.000 NA
Yukon 0.000 0.000 NA
NWT 0.000 0.000 NA
Nunavut 0.000 0.000 NA
Total 3.015 17.254 472%

Table 24 shows the penetration of the stationary fuel cells on a sectoral basis rather than a regional basis. The table shows energy demand associated with stationary fuel cells in the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario as well as the change in demand between the two. Both the residential and the commercial sectors saw a fairly significant increase in energy demand associated with the fuel cells. As a percent of total sectoral energy demand, the demand associated with stationary fuel cells also increased for both the residential and the commercial sectors.

Table 24 Demand Associated with Stationary Fuel Cells by Sector, 2030

REGION Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (PJ/yr) Change from Reference Case
Residential (PJ/yr) 2.61 14.45 454%
Commercial (PJ/yr) 0.41 2.81 592%
TOTAL (PJ/yr) 3.01 17.25 472%
Res as a Share of Total Res Demand 0.16% 0.87% 450%
Com as a Share of Total Com Demand 0.03% 0.21% 591%

As was done for the transportation sector results, it is useful to consider the number of stationary fuel cells that penetrate the market as a result of the Fiscal Scenario. To that end, Table 25 shows the number of stationary fuel cells in 2030 for both the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario for the residential sector. These figures indicate that the Fiscal Scenario was effective at increasing the penetration of stationary fuel cells in the residential sector. The total number of stationary fuel cells in use in Canada increased by 15,770 as a result of the Fiscal Scenario. Alberta realizes the greatest increase in the number of stationary fuel cells with increases taking place in Ontario, British Columbia and Saskatchewan as well.

Table 25 Number of Stationary Fuel Cells in 2030, Residential Sector

Region Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 1,594 6,242 4,648
Quebec 0 0 0
BC 195 415 221
Alberta 5,037 15,579 10,542
Manitoba 0 0 0
Saskatchewan 96 456 360
NB 0 0 0
Nova Scotia 0 0 0
Newfoundland 0 0 0
PEI 0 0 0
Yukon 0 0 0
NWT 0 0 0
Nunavut 0 0 0
Total 6,922 22,692 15,770

Table 26 shows the number of stationary fuel cells in use in 2030 for the commercial sector under both the Reference Case and the Fiscal Scenario. As was the case with the residential sector, here the Fiscal Scenario results in an increase in the number of fuel cells. The number of fuel cells in use in the commercial sector increased by 90 units as a result of the Fiscal Scenario. On a regional basis, increases were realized in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Table 26 Number of Stationary Fuel Cells in 2030, Commercial Sector

Region Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 13 60 46
Quebec 0 0 0
BC 1 3 2
Alberta 8 47 39
Manitoba 0 0 0
Saskatchewan 1 3 2
NB 0 0 0
Nova Scotia 0 0 0
Newfoundland 0 0 0
PEI 0 0 0
Yukon 0 0 0
NWT 0 0 0
Nunavut 0 0 0
Total 22 112 90

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Table 27 shows emissions associated with all light-duty vehicles and buses within the transportation sector for both the Reference Cases and the Fiscal Scenario for the year 2030. Note that the figures encompass both emissions associated with hydrogen production and emissions associated with hydrogen consumption. The results indicate a decrease in emissions in the case of hydrogen production from SMR and an increase in emissions in the case of hydrogen production using electrolysis. The increase is due to the fact that new electricity to power the electrolyzers is generally assumed to be coming from combined-cycle natural gas units in the Energy 2020 model.24

Table 27 Transportation25 Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2030

SECTOR Reference Case (MT/yr) Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr) Change from Reference Case
SMR 266.41 265.17 -0.465%
Electrolyzer 269.11 269.34 0.085%

Table 28 shows the change in transportation-related emissions as a result of the Fiscal Scenario by region for 2030. Again, the emissions figures include both hydrogen production and consumption emissions. Generally speaking, each province also shows a similar decrease in emissions for the SMR case, and a similar increase in emissions for the electrolysis case. The increase in emissions in the electrolyzer case is the result of assumptions inherent in the model. More specifically, as was described above, marginal electricity used to produce hydrogen in the electrolyzer case is assumed to be from natural gas. The use of natural gas to produce electricity leads to an increase in total emissions when emissions associated with both the production and consumption of hydrogen are taken into account. The one exception to this trend is Alberta, where emission reductions are achieved even in the electrolyzer case. This is the result of reductions in emissions that are achieved when electricity at the margin comes from natural gas rather than coal, the source fuel for the majority of existing electricity demand in the province.

Table 28 Transportation26 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Region, 2030

Region SMR Reference Case (MT/yr)
SMR Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr)
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case (MT/yr) Elec
Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 87.85 87.43 -0.48% 88.87 88.97 0.11%
Quebec 50.00 49.75 -0.50% 50.60 50.67 0.14%
BC 37.60 37.47 -0.35% 37.93 37.98 0.13%
Alberta 48.42 48.18 -0.50% 48.78 48.75 -0.06%
Manitoba 8.12 8.08 -0.49% 8.22 8.23 0.12%
Saskatchewan 12.15 12.08 -0.58% 12.29 12.30 0.08%
NB 7.32 7.29 -0.41% 7.37 7.38 0.14%
Nova Scotia 8.10 8.07 -0.37% 8.17 8.18 0.12%
Newfoundland 4.94 4.92 -0.40% 4.96 4.96 0.00%
PEI 0.97 0.96 -1.03% 0.98 0.98 0.00%
Yukon 0.24 0.24 0.00% 0.24 0.24 0.00%
NWT 0.49 0.49 0.00% 0.49 0.49 0.00%
Nunavut 0.21 0.21 0.00% 0.21 0.21 0.00%
Total 266.41 265.17 -0.47% 269.11 269.34 0.09%

Table 29 shows just those emissions associated with the use of the hydrogen vehicles (as opposed to including the emissions associated with the production of hydrogen as well). As expected, consumption emissions decline as a result of the Fiscal Scenario for both the electrolyzer and the SMR case. The results presented in Table 29 represent those that would be realized if the hydrogen was produced from a source that was not associated with greenhouse gas emissions such as wind or nuclear power.

Table 29 Transportation27 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Region (Consumption Only), 2030

Region SMR Reference Case (MT/yr)
SMR Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr)
Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case (MT/yr) Elec
Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 86.89 85.95 -1.08% 86.94 86.00 -1.08%
Quebec 49.46 48.93 -1.07% 49.45 48.91 -1.09%
BC 37.28 36.97 -0.83% 37.28 36.98 -0.80%
Alberta 48.08 47.63 -0.94% 48.10 47.66 -0.91%
Manitoba 8.04 7.95 -1.12% 8.04 7.95 -1.12%
Saskatchewan 12.03 11.88 -1.25% 12.03 11.89 -1.16%
NB 7.25 7.18 -0.97% 7.22 7.14 -1.11%
Nova Scotia 8.04 7.97 -0.87% 8.02 7.94 -1.00%
Newfoundland 4.91 4.88 -0.61% 4.90 4.87 -0.61%
PEI 0.96 0.95 -1.04% 0.96 0.95 -1.04%
Yukon 0.24 0.24 0.00% 0.24 0.23 -4.17%
NWT 0.49 0.49 0.00% 0.49 0.49 0.00%
Nunavut 0.21 0.21 0.00% 0.21 0.21 0.00%
Total 263.86 261.21 -1.00% 263.88 261.22 -1.01%

Table 30 shows the impact of the Fiscal Scenario on emissions associated with the residential, commercial and electric utility sectors. These are the sectors that experience changes in emissions as a result of an increase in penetration of stationary fuel cells. The increase in emissions associated with the residential sector is offset by reduced emissions in the electric utilities sector as fuel cells are used to generate power in houses and less energy is demanded from the electrical grid. The decrease in emissions in the case of the commercial sector is due to movements away from oil and LPG as the use of stationary fuel cells increases.

Table 30 Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Sectors Associated with Stationary Fuel Cells, 2030

SECTOR Reference Case
Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr) Change from Reference Case
Residential 57.43 57.54 0.19%
Commercial 64.24 64.22 -0.03%
Electric Utilities 152.38 151.58 -0.53%
TOTAL 274.05 273.34 -0.26%

Table 31 shows greenhouse gas emissions for the residential, commercial and electric utility sectors combined by region. The increase in emissions in Alberta is explained by the fact that as the residential and commercial sectors install and employ stationary fuel cells, less electricity is demanded from the local grid. This allows electricity generators to export more power to BC, and therefore electricity demand does not decrease in the province. The emissions associated with the demand being exported to BC are linked to Alberta rather than BC. This also helps explain the decline in emissions in BC. Specifically, the decline in BC is due to the combined effect of (1) the increased penetration of stationary fuel cells in the province displaces some utility electricity generation, and (2) the fact that more energy is being imported from Alberta as opposed to being generated locally.

Table 31 Total Stationary Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Residential, Commercial and Electric Utilities) by Region, Megatonnes/yr, 2030

Region Reference Case

Fiscal Scenario (MT/yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 92.78 92.61 -0.18%
Quebec 13.80 13.80 0.00%
BC 19.77 19.20 -2.88%
Alberta 85.07 85.28 0.25%
Manitoba 4.47 4.47 0.00%
Saskatchewan 22.88 22.84 -0.17%
NB 18.54 18.54 0.00%
Nova Scotia 9.43 9.43 0.00%
Newfoundland 3.82 3.82 0.00%
PEI 0.43 0.43 0.00%
Yukon 0.43 0.43 0.00%
NWT 1.50 1.50 0.00%
Nunavut 0.32 0.32 0.00%
Total 274.05 273.35 -0.26%

Table 32 shows greenhouse gas emissions for each region for the residential, commercial, electric utilities and transportation sectors combined. The figures in the table demonstrate the reduction in total emissions in the case of SMR hydrogen production. In the case of electrolyzer hydrogen production, emission reductions are not achieved because of increases in emissions associated with hydrogen production. If we were to account only for the emissions associated with hydrogen consumption (i.e., if we were to assume the hydrogen is produced from a zero-emissions source such as wind power or nuclear energy), we would see a reduction in total emissions for both the SMR and electrolyzer cases. Note that in Alberta, even in the electrolyzer case total emissions decline. This is the result of emission reductions achieved in the transportation sector that outweigh the increase in emissions associated with the residential and commercial sectors.

Table 32 Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Region, Residential, Commercial, Electric Utilities and Transportation28 Combined, Megatonnes/yr, 2030

Region SMR Reference Case (MT/yr)
Fiscal Scenario (MT /yr)

Change from Reference Case Elec Reference Case (MT/yr) Elec
Fiscal Scenario (MT /yr)
Change from Reference Case
Ontario 171.88 171.42 -0.27% 172.9 172.97 0.04%
Quebec 62.55 62.3 -0.40% 63.15 63.22 0.11%
BC 58.95 58.73 -0.37% 59.29 59.25 -0.07%
Alberta 131.09 130.93 -0.12% 131.46 131.5 0.03%
Manitoba 15.07 15.03 -0.27% 15.17 15.18 0.07%
Saskatchewan 35.25 35.31 0.17% 35.39 35.53 0.40%
NB 21 20.97 -0.14% 21.06 21.07 0.05%
Nova Scotia 18.22 18.2 -0.11% 18.29 18.3 0.05%
Newfoundland 8.54 8.53 -0.12% 8.56 8.56 0.00%
PEI 1.5 1.49 -0.67% 1.51 1.51 0.00%
Yukon 0.67 0.67 0.00% 0.67 0.67 0.00%
NWT 2 2 0.00% 2 2 0.00%
Nunavut 0.58 0.58 0.00% 0.58 0.58 0.00%
Total 527.31 526.16 -0.22% 530.01 530.34 0.06%

In addition to examining trends in greenhouse gas emissions, it is helpful to consider the impact of hydrogen penetration on criteria air contaminants. Generally speaking, life-cycle criteria air contaminant emissions will decrease as much if not more than greenhouse gas emissions when comparing hydrogen vehicles to gasoline vehicles. Compared to diesel vehicles, these pollutants will be decreased significantly more than the associated decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.29 It is expected that the life-cycle criteria air contaminant emissions from a stationary fuel cell (fuelled by natural gas) will be no worse than those from a combined-cycle natural gas power plant and separate natural gas furnace or boiler, and may even be better due to the higher system efficiency and lack of emission controls on small heating units.

Emission Reduction Costs

In this section we present emission reduction cost results for the transportation, residential, commercial and utility sectors. The cost results are presented as dollars per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced. The figures presented below represent the costs to producers and consumers who invest and operate hydrogen technologies as a result of the introduction of the fiscal incentives. They do not include costs associated with those who purchase fuel cell technologies in the absence of fiscal policy stimulus (i.e., they do not account for costs associated with hydrogen technology penetration realized in the Reference Cases). In other words, the costs reflect the capital, operating and maintenance, and fuel costs for producers and consumers that purchase fuel cell technologies after the fiscal incentives are in place net of government subsidies.

For the transportation sector, we focus results on the two regions that realized the greatest penetration of hydrogen-related technologies, Alberta and Ontario. Results for other regions followed similar trends to Alberta and Ontario. Table 33 shows cost figures for emission reductions taking place in the transportation sector for the province of Alberta for SMR hydrogen. The “Consumption” figures indicate the cost per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced, taking into account only those emissions associated with driving the hydrogen-related vehicles. The “Total” figure shows the cost per tonne of reduction, taking into account emissions associated with the use of the vehicles, and also the production of hydrogen. The “consumption” figures represent the cost per tonne reduction for hydrogen from a zero emission source such as wind or nuclear power.

The figures presented below indicate that the emission reductions achieved as a result of the penetration of the hydrogen technologies come at fairly high costs. This is due to the combined impact of the high costs associated with producing hydrogen and purchasing hydrogen technologies and the limited emission reductions achieved with limited penetration of hydrogen technologies in absolute terms.

The results in Table 33 indicate that emission reductions come at the least cost for the fuel cell buses. Cost results for the fuel cell light-duty vehicle and the hydrogen internal combustion engine light-duty vehicle are similar. The NAs in the table below indicate instances where the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of hydrogen lead to an increase in the total emissions. In other words, in the case of the hydrogen internal combustion engine, the gains in efficiency associated with the vehicle relative to a conventional car are not great enough to offset the emissions associated with the production of hydrogen using SMR. In such cases, it is impossible to calculate cost per tonne reduction (as such reductions do not actually occur).

Table 33 Cost per Tonne of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced, Transportation Sector, SMR Case, Alberta, 2000$

SECTOR 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Fuel Cell Bus, Consumption 849.06 995.97 965.54 937.08 906.70
Fuel Cell Bus, Total 926.79 1,086.75 1,053.14 1,021.64 988.06
Fuel Cell Car, Consumption 1,134.83 1,387.76 1,406.78 1,428.15 1,447.43
Fuel Cell Car, Total 5,089.90 6,139.12 6,138.14 6,134.62 6,129.95
Hydrogen ICE, Consumption 1,321.37 1,197.65 1,464.58 1,730.55 1,998.00
Hydrogen ICE, Total NA NA NA NA NA

Table 34 shows the same information as above for hydrogen production from electrolyzers (rather than SMR). The results here follow a similar trend to those above, yet in the case of the fuel cell car, when accounting for emissions associated with hydrogen production, a cost per tonne could not be established. As was stated above, this is due to the fact that once emissions associated with hydrogen production were taken into account, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions actually occurred. This is due to the fact that the electricity used to produce the hydrogen is generally assumed to come from natural gas in the Energy 2020 model.

Table 34 Cost per Tonne of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced, Transportation Sector, Electrolyzer Case, Alberta, 2000$

SECTOR 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Fuel Cell Bus, Consumption 857.74 1,005.14 974.59 946.34 916.05
Fuel Cell Bus, Total 1,033.29 1,211.16 1,175.23 1,141.55 1,105.62
Fuel Cell Car, Consumption 1,215.27 1,472.74 1,490.67 1,513.96 1,534.07
Fuel Cell Car, Total NA NA NA NA NA
Hydrogen ICE, Consumption 1,446.92 1,329.29 1,595.27 1,864.91 2,134.33
Hydrogen ICE, Total NA NA NA NA NA

In addition to presenting results for Alberta, Tables 35 and 36 show the cost per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced for Ontario for the SMR case and the electrolyzer case respectively. The cost results for Ontario follow the same trend as Alberta, although emission reductions in Ontario are achieved at slightly less cost.

Table 35 Cost per Tonne of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced, Transportation Sector, SMR Case, Ontario, 2000$

SECTOR 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Fuel Cell Bus, Consumption 706.11 832.58 815.56 800.12 783.14
Fuel Cell Bus, Total 774.20 912.42 893.21 875.70 856.52
Fuel Cell Car, Consumption 830.33 1,040.47 1,048.61 1,058.77 1,066.98
Fuel Cell Car, Total 3,768.17 4,640.56 4,577.90 4,515.19 4,451.34
Hydrogen ICE, Consumption 1,037.55 927.92 1,162.84 1,396.76 1,631.90
Hydrogen ICE, Total NA NA NA NA NA

Table 36 Cost per Tonne of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced, Transportation Sector, Electrolyzer Case, Ontario, 2000$

SECTOR 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Fuel Cell Bus, Consumption 711.42 837.92 822.35 808.21 792.65
Fuel Cell Bus, Total 868.28 1,022.55 1,001.61 982.46 961.53
Fuel Cell Car, Consumption 877.39 1,087.82 1,108.80 1,130.46 1,151.33
Fuel Cell Car, Total NA NA NA NA NA
Hydrogen ICE, Consumption 1,110.99 1,001.71 1,256.64 1,508.50 1,763.35
Hydrogen ICE, Total NA NA NA NA NA

Finally, Table 37 presents cost results for the stationary fuel cells. The table below shows only those regions for which penetration of stationary fuel cells occurred. Nationally, emission reductions associated with stationary fuel cells came at a much lower cost than those associated with the transportation sector. However, the national cost figure masks significant variations in costs between provinces. For example, in Alberta, it was not possible to calculate the cost per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced as total emissions associated with the residential, commercial and electric utility sectors actually increased. For British Columbia, the cost of greenhouse gas emission reductions is partly driven by the decline in the deregulated Alberta price of electricity (as the penetration of stationary fuel cells took place in Alberta and less electricity was demanded from the grid, the price of electricity declined).

The drop in electricity prices in Alberta led to electricity imports into BC, which resulted in additional reductions in emissions in that province (the emissions associated with the imported electricity are associated with Alberta rather than BC). These emission reductions are achieved at relatively low costs, which results in low costs per tonne of emissions reduced. In Ontario and Saskatchewan, the increase in stationary fuel cells means that some of the more expensive (less economically efficient fossil fuel based) plants no longer need to operate. This results in a reduction in the price of electricity in these two regions and the dollar savings from the stationary fuel cells is less. Due to interprovincial electricity import dynamics from hydropower-based regions (and the use of nuclear power in Ontario), the emission reductions on the electric side diminish as the penetration of fuel cells takes place into the future. This means that over time, consumers pay a lot for the fuel cells but society gets few added emission savings.

Table 37 Regional Cost Results, Cost per Tonne, 2000$

REGION 2015 2020 2025 2030
Ontario 360.12 675.22 913.66 1171.93
BC 12.50 6.34 13.50 14.93
Alberta NA NA NA NA
Manitoba 312.69 421.94 322.94 372.13
Saskatchewan 126.38 578.10 1216.35 1670.50
Canada 293.08 495.17 726.93 944.17


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