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© 2006

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Economic Instruments for Long-term Reductions in Energy-based Carbon Emissions

By the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Federal and provincial governments should consider a range of fiscal instruments to promote long-term reductions in carbon emissions.

Canada is committed to large-scale greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and will host the world at the upcoming United Nations meeting in Montreal this November. New and innovative methods are needed to effectively address this monumental task as the global community turns to Canada to lead the next phase of discussions in the fall.

In Economic Instruments for Long-term Reductions in Energy-based Carbon Emissions, the NRTEE’s Task Force on Ecological Fiscal Reform and Energy recommends a constructive and effective approach to addressing this issue with a combination of broad-based and targeted measures, including subsidies, credits, user fees and taxes, to encourage reductions in the long-term of greenhouse gases and the promotion of key energy technologies.

Market-based instruments include the concept of “ecological fiscal reform (EFR)” – an integrated strategy to redirect taxes and government spending to encourage a shift toward sustainable development. EFR is based on the understanding that how the government taxes and spends has a tremendous effect on the way the economy works – and the way to maximize this impact is to ensure policies that work together to support goals such as sustainable energy.

The appropriate signals from governments to industry and consumers encourage the optimal allocation of resources to achieve environmental and economic policy objectives at a lower cost.

Executive Summary (HTML)
Executive Summary (PDF - 985Kb)
Full Report (HTML)
Full Report (PDF - 2.267 Mb)


Executive Summary
Executive Summary
(PDF - 985Kb)
Full Report (HTML)
Full Report
(PDF - 2.267 Mb)

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Available in English and French.
2005, 132 pp.,
ISBN 1-894737-09-1
$19.98 ($14.00 US)
plus postage and tax

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) publications are offered for sale through
Renouf Publishing Co. Ltd


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