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© 2006

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Greening Canada’s Brownfields:
A National Framework for Encouraging Redevelopment of Qualifying Brownfields through Removal of Crown Liens and Tax Arrears

Prepared for The Government of Canada
and Provincial and Municipal Governments

By The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
and The Canadian Brownfields Network

March 2005

Annex 3 - Experts Group Workshop Participants

The following is a list of participants in the experts group workshop convened by the NRTEE and the CBN to consider approaches to removing Crown liens and tax arrears as an incentive for encouraging redevelopment of qualified brownfield sites.

The workshop was held in Ottawa, Ontario, on March 9, 2005.


Neil Abbott
Partner, Banking and Restructuring, Gowlings LLP

Michel Beaulieu
Chargé de projet, Service des lieux contaminés, Ministère de l'Environnement du Québec

François Bordeleau
Agent, Affaires législatives en matière d'impôt, Agence du revenu du Canada

Diane Bouthillier
Conseillère, Section générale de l'administration provisoire des biens non-réclamés, Le Curateur public du Québec

Casey Brendon
Manager, Operation Support, City of Toronto

James W. Brennan
Director, External Relations, The Canadian Real Estate Association

Victoria Brown
Manager, Municipal Excellence, Municipal Advisory Services Unit, Alberta Municipal Affairs

Geoffrey Burgess
Senior Economist, Environmental Economics, Environment Canada

Walter Ceroici
Head, Land Section, Alberta Environment

Victor Chang
Manager, Special Projects, Environmental Protection Branch, Saskatchewan Environment

Madeleine Donahue
Senior Counsel, Macleod Dixon LLP

Bernard Drapeau
Conseiller en matière de biens sans maître et compagnies dissoutes à la Direction générale et de l'administration provisoire des biens non réclamés, Le Curateur public du Québec

Mitchell Fasken
President, Kimshaw Holdings Limited

Thelma Gee
Senior Planner, Planning and Development Division, Provincial Planning and Environmental Services Branch, Planning Reform Group, Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Ken Hughes
Manager of Revenue, Financial Services Branch, City of Ottawa

Jennifer Jackson
Legal Counsel, Planning and Development Law, Legal Services Branch, City of Ottawa

Nancy Kennedy
Director, Provincial Local Initiatives Branch, Ontario Ministry of Finance

Don MacCallum
Project Manager, Canada Lands Company Ltd.

Danny McInnis
Field Supervisor, Pollution Prevention Division, Prince Edward Island Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry

Guy McKenzie
Associate Deputy Head, Infrastructure Canada

Grant Osborn
Senior Policy Advisor, Provincial Local Finance Secretary, Ontario Ministry of Finance

Pierre Paquin
Lawyer, Hot Properties Committee, Urban Development Institute of Québec

Doug Salloum
Manager, Development and Portfolio Risk, Green Funds, Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Dario Savio
Director, Collections and Compliance Branch, Tax Revenue Division, Ontario Ministry of Finance

Ed Short
Senior Tax Policy Officer, Business, Property and Personal Income, Finance Canada

Mike Sprague
Director, Remediation Branch, New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government

Pierre St. Cyr
Urbaniste, Société du Havre de Montréal

Bill Susak
Deputy City Engineer, City of North Vancouver

Larry Tansley
City Solicitor, City of Brantford

Kristine Taylor-Lee
Policy Analyst, Contaminated Sites, Environment Canada

John Ward
Unit Head, Legislation and Finance Unit, British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

CBN Advisory Panel

Marguerite Ceschi-Smith
Director, Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Michael Kovacevic
Lawyer, Goodman and Carr LLP

Tammy Lomas-Jylha
Director, Canadian Brownfields Network

Tad McGalliard
Senior Project Manager, Brownfields Program, International City/County Management Association

Glenn Miller
Vice-President, Education and Research, Canadian Urban Institute

Adrien Pilon
Vice-président et Directeur, Centre d'excellence de Montréal en réhabilitation de sites (CEMRS)

Angus Ross
President, L&A Concepts

Kevan van Velzen
Manager, Environmental Assessment and Liabilities, City of Calgary


Makuc Bogdan
Senior Analyst, Cities Secretariat, Office of the Deputy Head, Policy and Research, Infrastructure Canada

George Geracimo
President, Hot Properties Committee, Urban Development Institute of Quebec

Kevin Jones
Co-Founder/Director – CBN, Vice-President, OCETA

Todd Latham
Co-Founder/Director – CBN, General Manager, EcoLog Information Resources Group

David Morley
Departmental Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister of State, Infrastructure Canada

NRTEE Staff and Consultants

Sara Melamed
Special Projects Manager, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Tom Shillington
Consultant, Shillington and Burns Consultants Inc.