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About Us

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) is dedicated to exploring new opportunities to integrate environmental conservation and economic development, in order to sustain Canada’s prosperity and secure its future.

Drawing on the wealth of insight and experience represented by our diverse membership, our mission is to generate and promote innovative ways to advance Canada’s environmental and economic interests in combination, rather than in isolation. In this capacity, it examines the environmental and economic implications of priority issues and offers advice on how best to reconcile the sometimes competing interests of economic prosperity and environmental conservation.

The NRTEE was created by the government in October 1988. Its independent role and mandate were enshrined in the National Round Table on the Environment and Economy Act, which was passed by the House of Commons in May 1993. Appointed by Governor in Council, our members are distinguished leaders in business and labour, universities, environmental organizations, Aboriginal communities and municipalities.

How We Work

The NRTEE is structured as a round table in order to facilitate the unfettered exchange of ideas. By offering our members a safe haven for discussion, the NRTEE helps reconcile positions that have traditionally been at odds.

The NRTEE is also a coalition builder, reaching out to organizations that share our vision for sustainable development. We believe that affiliation with like-minded partners will spark creativity and generate the momentum needed for success.

And finally, the NRTEE acts as an advocate for positive change, raising awareness among Canadians and their governments about the challenges of sustainable development and promoting viable solutions.
We also maintain a secretariat, which commissions and analyses the research required by our members in their work. The secretariat also furnishes administrative, promotional and communications support to the NRTEE.

Our Current Projects

The members of NRTEE meet four times a year to review their progress and agree on new priorities for action. Our current projects focus on:

  • Energy and climate change
  • Capital markets and sustainability
  • Climate Change Adaptation

Our Publications

The NRTEE produces Review, a quarterly newsletter about our activities including research updates, new publications and special events and it is available in either paper or electronic formats. For a free subscription, please visit our Web site at

We also produce a range of other publications on sustainable development issues. A complete list and order form are available on request (

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Canada Building, Suite 200
344 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON K1R 7Y3
Tel.: (613) 992-7189
Fax: (613) 992-7385