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Green Budget Reform

In the recent federal budget, the government announced it will actively consider opportunities to use the tax system to advance environmental goals. To help identify these opportunities, the NRTEE was asked to outline options for a “feebate” that would provide a consumer rebate for fuel-efficient vehicles and impose a fee on fuel-inefficient ones. Over time, a feebate could contribute to the improvement of the fuel efficiency of vehicles purchased in Canada, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. For more information on the reference, visit Finance Canada at

By incorporating a number of significant environmental initiatives, the federal government can start to develop a balanced, integrated and sustainable legacy of economic, community, and ecological well-being. Recommendations are presented to the Minister of Finance and the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance each year.

The NRTEE’s budget recommendations – the result of intensive analysis and multi-stakeholder consultations – are available free of charge.


2005 Greening of the Budget Submission

Fiscal Policy for Long-term Carbon Emission Reductions

The program on Ecological Fiscal Reform and Energy has, through its analysis and consultation processes, generated a number of findings and recommendations that are of direct relevance to current deliberations for the 2005 budget.

Briefing Note and Budget Advice
Key Findings
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Study on Vehicle Feebates

In the 2005 Federal Budget, the Government of Canada tasked the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) to develop options for a vehicle feebate for Canada.

Briefing Note
News Release
Terms of Reference

Development of Options for a Vehicle Feebate in Canada

The NRTEE commissioned this study, whose objectives are to: understand the nature of the motor vehicle market in Canada and trends, including the recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the industry and the Government on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; identify the key feebate options that meet the mandatory parameters identified by the Government; and, assess the options against the criteria established in the Budget 2005 Framework.

Full Report (HTML)
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2005 Greening of the Budget Submission

Fiscal Policy for Long-term Carbon Emission Reductions

The program on Ecological Fiscal Reform and Energy has, through its analysis and consultation processes, generated a number of findings and recommendations that are of direct relevance to current deliberations for the 2005 budget.

Briefing Note and Budget Advice
Key Findings
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2004 Greening of the Budget Submission

To sustain a healthy society and economy, the federal government needs to bring a better accounting of natural capital assets into its fiscal policy-that's the theme of the recommendations in the NRTEE 2004 Greening of the Budget submission.

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2003 Greening of the Budget Submission

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2001 Greening of the Budget Submission

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2000 Greening of the Budget Submission

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