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The Boreal Forest Nature Conservation Program:
Case studies set out obstacles and opportunities

Three case studies setting out obstacles and opportunities related to securing the natural capital of this country's boreal forest have been completed by the NRTEE as part of the second phase of its nature conservation program.

Each case study puts under the microscope a boreal forest area with significant biodiversity and a variety of multistakeholder interests where there is the potential to influence policy.

Abitibi Case Study
The Abitibi case study region, bisecting the Quebec-Ontario border, is an ideal proxy for assessing conservation in the boreal region of eastern Canada. The most striking conclusion of the case study is that despite more than a century of resource exploitation-trapping, logging, mining, hydroelectric development and tourism, for example-the Abitibi forest ecosystem is mostly healthy. More

Muskwa-Kechika Case Study
The government of British Columbia passed the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area Act formalizing creation of M-KMA late in 1998-and the challenging task of implementing its shared vision is in the early stages. However, the case study identifies a number of best practices, discusses the regulatory and fiscal tools needed to support the translation of broad objectives into on-the-ground decision making across a number of jurisdictions, and makes recommendations on three key regulatory and fiscal policy opportunities. More

Al-Pac Case Study
The NRTEE case study on this area of northeastern Alberta is divided into three parts:

Part 1: Management Objectives
What key conservation values should be promoted in the AlPac? What indicators of natural capital correspond to these conservation values, and what human activities affect these indicators? What specific management objectives for land uses in the AlPac FMA could be adopted to promote natural capital conservation? More

Part 2: Regulatory Barriers and Options
The case study objective here was to identify fiscal and regulatory barriers to conservation and policy options for conserving natural capital while at the same time recognizing the importance of resource development and other economic and social values for land use in the area. More

Part 3: Fiscal Barriers and Opportunities
Because provincial governments have jurisdiction over most land and resources within the AlPac FMA, the case study focusses on provincial fiscal barriers and then highlights opportunities. More




Boreal Canada: State of the Ecosystem, State of Industry, Emerging Issues and Projections (Summary)

This paper on boreal Canada describes the state of the boreal ecosystem, including key aspects of its ecology, key threats and its state of health. It also discusses emerging issues, the relative importance of industry and future projections. More

Aboriginal Issues in Canada’s Boreal Forest (Summary)

With its focus on the boreal forest, this paper assesses the rationale for increasing Aboriginal participation in the sustainable development of Canada’s natural resources. Aboriginal people are well placed to contribute to this process: not only can they lend their traditional knowledge to decisions related to sustainable resource use and development, they also possess clear legal entitlements to serve as major participants. More

Abitibi Case Study
executive summary
table of contents
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Muskwa-Kechika Case Study
table of contents
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Al-Pac Case Study
table of contents
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