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© 2006

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National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Annual Report 2005-2006

Communications and Publications

In 2005–2006, the NRTEE continued to ensure that decision makers, the media and the public recognize it as a leader in providing objective views and analysis relating to the “state of the debate” on the environment and the economy in Canada. The NRTEE was very active this year, organizing a side event at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP11) entitled Transitioning to a Low Carbon Economy and Greening of Government Executive Forum – which focused on results, implementation and lessons learned in the “greening” of several multi-national organizations. The Round Table released the NRTEE’s Advice to the Prime Minister in Advance of COP11, NRTEE’s Study on Vehicle Feebates, as well as five program-related background papers, and provided speakers on a variety of issues at numerous venues including CANSEE 2005, Rethinking Development Conference, GLOBE 2006 and 2006 ForestLeadership Conference.

As well, the Round Table received extensive national media coverage throughout the year on a number of issues including ecological fiscal reform and energy, conserving Canada’s national capital in the boreal forest, vehicle feebates and energy and climate change.

The NRTEE Web site remains an important tool for disseminating key information to stakeholders and members of the public. In 2005–2006, the number of “unique” or new visitors to the Web site continued to grow, increasing by approximately 54 per cent over 2004–2005. The Web site was the primary source for information on the NRTEE’s Advice to the Prime Minister in Advance of COP11, the background papers for the Capital Markets and Sustainability program, the NRTEE’s Briefing Note and background documents on the study of vehicle feebates, the NRTEE e-Brief (an electronic e-mail update on current events and program information) and information on the Round Table, its members, current issues and upcoming events.

The Web site’s Virtual Library feature enables users to easily access over 300 NRTEE documents on sustainable development. All NRTEE publications obtained through the Virtual Library are free. The Round Table’s signature series, the State of the Debate reports, continues to have strong brand recognition. The most popular reports downloaded in this fiscal year included four State of the Debate reports: Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators for Canada; Economic Instruments for Long-term Reductions in Energy-based Carbon Emissions; Environmental Quality in Canadian Cities: The Federal Role; and, Securing Canada’s Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century. Demand was also high for a stand alone report: Cleaning up the Past, Building the Future: A National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada and a background paper entitled Financial Reporting Disclosures about Social, Environmental and Ethical (SEE) Issues.

NRTEE publications also continued to be marketed and distributed on a partial cost-recovery basis through Renouf Publishing Company Ltd.