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Natural Capital: A Critical Foundation of Our Economy

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
2004 Greening of the Budget Submission

In this 2004 Greening of the Budget submission, the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) emphasizes that Canada must take better account of the full range of assets necessary to sustain a healthy society and economy. These assets represent our nation’s “capital,” an economic term first used to designate entities such as buildings and equipment that ensured economic production in the future. This submission stresses that other types of capital – in particular, the environmental assets that provide the ecological “services” that make life possible – are also important to our future well-being. The concept of sustainable development requires that future generations have the necessary capital of all types – and certainly no less than we do – to pursue their own goals. In order to uphold this principle, federal budgets need to account for the full range of our national capital.

Executive Summary

NRTEE 2004 Greening of the Budget Submission
Complete document -- Adobe PDF version
Investing in Canada's Natural Capital
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Improving the Information Based on Natural Capital
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Helping Rural and Aboriginal Communities
Protect Natural Capital

[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Protecting Natural Capital in Urban Communities
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]