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"Please use your liberty to help

promote ours"

-- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
Burmese Democracy Leader and Nobel Peace Laureate.

January 5th, 2006 - The Canadian federal election is just weeks away. Make sure the candidates in your riding are aware of Burma...

October 24th, 2005 - Burma Day of Advocacy...

September 10th, 2005 - Paul Martin: Mr. Dithers or Mr. Denial?... International Campaign to Urge UN Security Council to Act on Burma... Parliamentary Friends of Burma/Les ami(e)s parlementaires de la Birmanie... Canada Pension Plan Supporting Burmese Junta...

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Canadian Friends of Burma, 145 Spruce St. Suite 206, Ottawa, ON K1R 6P1
tel#: (613) 237-8056, fax#: (613) 563-0017