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Democratic Development

To contribute to the development of democratic practices, institutions and culture at the national and regional levels. To support the participation of civil society and reinforce norms and mechanisms for the protection of human rights to influence governmental and intergovernmental bodies.

Globalization, Governance & Human Rights

To help reduce the gap between the actual practices of states and their formal adhesion to international human rights agreements. To promote the implementation of social, economic and cultural rights by advocating a human rights framework for global economic, development, and governance policies (with a focus on international trade and investment rules).

Rights of Indigenous Peoples

To contribute to the full recognition and implementation of the rights of indigenous peoples nationally, regionally and internationally. To support the evolution of jurisprudence and other advances concerning the rights of indigenous peoples, and to support the participation of indigenous women in this process. To contribute to raising the awareness of young indigenous people of human rights.

Rights of Women

To facilitate women’s leadership and participation in civil society. To ensure their full contribution to peace-building processes, to seek accountability for gender crimes in transitional justice systems, and to build women’s capacity to meet the challenges of fundamentalisms, militarism and the prevailing security agenda.

Special Intiatives

Rights & Democracy undertakes and supports a number of special initiatives to further its mandate and to contribute to the entrenchment of human rights and democracy around the world.

Most Recent Projects

Supporting the Work of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

Rights & Democracy continued supporting the work of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women. The project, which... Read More

Zimbabwe: Supporting Litigation against Human Rights Abuses

Land seizures, torture, housing demolition and massive evictions: these are some of the offences committed in Zimbabwe by President Robert... Read More

Haiti: Supporting Civil Society Advocacy

In March 2006, Rights & Democracy opened its office in Port-au-Prince after much delay, due to the political crisis and... Read More

Morocco: Follow-up to Democratic Development Study

Rights & Democracy has contributed to the opening of democratic spaces in Morocco. by publishing a democratic development study on... Read More

African Commission: Improving regional mechanisms of human rights protection in Africa

Since March 2006, four Canadian jurists have joined the team of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights in... Read More

Burma: Supporting Advocacy Efforts in Canada and Internationally

Rights & Democracy seeks to promote democratic development in Burma by two sets of activities: through advocacy, which includes support for... Read More

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