Who We Are

Rights & Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development) is a non-partisan organization with an international mandate. It was created by Canada's Parliament in 1988 to encourage and support the universal values of human rights and the promotion of democratic institutions and practices around the world. (View the Act of Parliament to establish the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)

Rights & Democracy works with individuals, organizations and governments in Canada and abroad to promote the human and democratic rights defined in the United Nations' International Bill of Human Rights. Although its mandate is wide-ranging, Rights & Democracy currently focuses on four themes: democratic development, women's human rights, globalization and human rights, and the rights of indigenous peoples. It also has four Special Initiatives: Urgent Action/Important Opportunities, which responds to human rights crises and seizes important opportunities as they arise; International Human Rights Advocacy, to enhance the work of human rights advocates, in Canada and internationally, in the effective use of regional and international human rights mechanisms of the United Nations and regional human rights systems; Human Rights and Security, which monitors the impact of  "anti-terrorist" legislation and other security measures on civil liberties and human rights in Canada and abroad; and Human Rights and Democratic Awareness in Canada, which initiates and supports the activities of Canadian individuals and groups relating to human rights and democratic development around the world.

Rights & Democracy enjoys partnerships with human rights, indigenous peoples' and women's rights groups, as well as democratic movements and governments around the world with whom it cooperates to promote human rights and democracy. It is therefore uniquely placed to facilitate dialogue between government officials and non-governmental organizations in Canada and abroad. It is one of the very few organizations with the necessary credibility on both sides to play this bridge-building role.

It initiates and supports projects that advocate the protection of human rights and the strengthening of democratic development and facilitates the capacity of its partners to do the same.

Rights & Democracy has consultative status (Category II) with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is on the International Labour Organization's Special List of NGOs. It also has observer status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. It is a non-profit charitable organization (registration number 0808345-59). Donations are tax deductible.

For more information please refer to the Annual Report.

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