International Internships

Ten young Canadians are embarking on international internships this fall with a select group of Rights & Democracy’s  partner organizations selected for their focus and influence. Nine of these internships will be funded by Foreign Affairs Canada, as part of the Young Professionals International program.
Selected from among more than 200 applicants, the eight women and two men are completing advanced studies in their chosen fields and will be able to apply their expertise while acquiring their first work experience abroad.
Jessica Drohan from Nova Scotia will be going to Paris, where she will join the peace and human rights education division of UNESCO. Her work will focus primarily on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Ugraz Oguz from Quebec will join the Resource Mobilization Unit for the UN High Commission on Human Rights. She will work in donor relations.
Sulini Sarugazer fromOntario will join the National Institutions Unit of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. She will support this team, whose goal is to set up and reinforce national institutions, particularly in Africa.

Lyndsay Hayhurst from British Columbia will join the team at UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and will be responsible for coordinating youth activities and the awareness campaign as part of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Geneviève Rose from Quebec has joined the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) in Copenhagen. As a member of the international department, she will work primarily on West Africa.
Philippe Picard from Quebec will provide support to two Moroccan organizations: Espace associatif Maroc and the Association marocaine des droits humains. His work will include administrative support, logistics and publishing.
Za Uk Ling from Ontario will travel to Malaysia to join the SUARAM human rights organization and work with refugees and those seeking asylum.
Sorcha O’Carroll from Ontario is working with the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) in Australia. She will work on educational projects related to the promotion of human rights in Southeast Asia.

Dana Stefov from Ontario will be posted to the Centre for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) in the United States. She will support the coordination of a coalition of NGOs working for human rights in the Americas and will be involved primarily with agencies of the Organization of American States (OAS).
Aurélie Arnaud from Quebec will join the Commission on Intellectual Property of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women based in Panama. She will research the ancestral knowledge of indigenous women and disseminate information via the Web site.
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